Audrey Atencio, Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation, John C. Whitehead Fund for Not-for-Profit Management; Michael E. Porter Service Leadership Fellowship
Nabig Chaudhry, Probable Futures, John C. Whitehead Fund for Not-for-Profit Management, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Aracelli Chocano, Whitney Museum of American Art, John C. Whitehead Fund for Not-for-Profit Management; Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Lilian Dodd, Environmental Defense Fund, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
William Dong, Hebrew SeniorLife, Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Fellowship Fund
Eric Horne, Megafire Action, John C. Whitehead Fund for Not-for-Profit Management; Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Joel Hurd, City of Detroit Mayor's Office, John C. Whitehead Fund for Not-for-Profit Management; Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Kazumi Kanagawa, The Shed, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Sebastian Negron-Reichard, City of Boston Mayor's Office, Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Fellowship Fund; David J. Dunn Fund
Alan Neider, City of Cambridge, Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Fellowship Fund
Michelle Okereke, The Juilliard School, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Marina Osborn, Bridges Outcomes Partnerships, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Niki Patel, New York City Public Schools, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Catalina Piccato, Whitney Museum of American Art, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Adi Rau, The World Bank Group, John C. Whitehead Fund for Not-for-Profit Management
Amy Shan, Harlem Children's Zone, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment; Margaret T. Morris Foundation Endowment
Jenny Yeung, Merit America, John C. Whitehead Fund for Not-for-Profit Management, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Margot Zuckerman, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Fellowship Fund; Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Deep Biswas, Boston Planning & Development Agency, MBA Class of 1967 Fund for Social Enterprise; Michael E. Porter Service Leadership Fellowship
Riya Chandaria, Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA), Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Fellowship Fund
Tim Cho, Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Ed Cordell, The Juilliard School, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Afroza Damji, Mass Challenge, MBA Class of 1967 Fund for Social Enterprise
Kyler Evitt, Year Up, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Liza Gaylord, Boston Ballet, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Nina Harstad, Equal Justice Initiative, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment; Margaret T. Morris Foundation Endowment
Vi Mai, Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA), Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Fellowship Fund
Alejandro Molina, White House National Economic Council, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Rachel Orol, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Sami Pal, Coney Island Prep, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Brittany Peck, The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Nathan Rosin, City of Boston, MBA Class of 1967 Fund for Social Enterprise; David J. Dunn Fund
Taryn Stamper, The Nature Conservancy, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Mimi Verdonk, OneTen Coalition, Inc., Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Ryan Warren, Harlem Childrens Zone, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Caroline Zheng, City of Cambridge, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Connie Zuo, Whitney Museum of American Art, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Fatima Albassam, City of Boston Mayor's Office, David J. Dunn Fund
Elizabeth Arenz, Environmental Defense Fund, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Endowment
Sue Chuang, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Nikita Chuyko, Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA), Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Merve Ciplak, The Juilliard School, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Fiona Liao, Environmental Defense Fund, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund, John C. Whitehead Fund for Not-for-Profit Management
Elisa MacColl, Masshealth, Michael E. Porter Service Leadership Fellowship
Kaley Martin, City of Detroit Mayor's Office, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Marie Rose Muir, Boston Ballet, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Dan Segal, NewSchools Venture Fund, Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Fellowship Fund
Audrey Sheng, Whitney Museum of American Art, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Jenny Zhou, Harlem Children's Zone, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Mae Abdelrahman, The Juilliard School, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Landon Acriche, Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA), James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Silvia Adam Reig, Lincoln Center For The Performing Arts, John C. Whitehead Fund for Not-for-Profit Management & Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Prerna Arya, Harlem Children's Zone, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Rebecca Braun, Boston Planning & Development Agency, David J. Dunn Fund
Soltan Bryce, Boston Medical Center Health System, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Shani Carter, Los Angeles Unified School District, Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Fellowship Fund
Sara Jetty, Whitney Museum Of American Art, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Endowment
Justin Kim, Social Finance, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Yogi Kurniawan, City Of San Jose Mayor’s Office, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Jake Mayo, City Of Boston Mayor’s Office, David J. Dunn Fund & John C. Whitehead Fund for Not-for-Profit Management
Steven Povich, Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA), Michael E. Porter Service Leadership Fellowship
Kelsey Roberts, City Of Detroit Mayor’s Office, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Anuja Samuel, Equal Justice Initiative, John C. Whitehead Fund for Not-for-Profit Management & Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Andrew Baxter, Environmental Defense Fund, Richard Lumpkin (MBA 1963) Dean's Discretionary Fund
Mimi DiSipio, Whitney Museum of American Art, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Endowment
Jade Enns, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel (MBA 1959) Endowment
Sam Fell, Sesame Workshop, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel (MBA 1959) Endowment
Akash Gupta, Julliard School, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel (MBA 1959) Endowment
Rebecca Hansen, Boston Planning and Development Agency, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel (MBA 1959) Endowment
Alexxis Isaac, City of Boston Mayor's Office, David J. Dunn (MBA 1961) Fund
Christine Keung, City of San Jose Mayor’s Office, Michael E. Porter (MBA 1971) Service Leadership Fellowship
Leonardo Leal, Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation, Richard Lumpkin (MBA 1963) Dean's Discretionary Fund
Mikal Lewis, Connecticut Office of the Governor, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel (MBA 1959) Endowment
Stefanie McDermott, Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel (MBA 1959) Endowment
Sarika Mendu, City of Detroit Mayor's Office, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel (MBA 1959) Endowment
Mark Molewyk, Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA), Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Fellowship
Ratnika Prasad, Environmental Defense Fund, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship
David Reiff, Social Finance, John C. Whitehead (MBA 1947) Fund for Not-for-Profit Management
Perri Smith, Boston Medical Center, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel (MBA 1959) Endowment
Elizabeth Su, Boston Children's Hospital, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship
Wendy Ying, Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA), James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship
Jojo Banga, ACLU, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Christina Chew, MassHealth, Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Fellowship Fund
Jorge Echarte, City of Boston, Mayor's Office, David J. Dunn Fund
Jonathan Hanson, The Boston Foundation , James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Ines Fila, Nonprofit Finance Fund, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Katharine Gallogly, Teach for America , Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Doug La Rose, Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA), Michael E. Porter Service Leadership Fellowship
Laura Oller, World Economic Forum, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Apoorva Pasricha, City of San Jose Mayor’s Office, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Nikhil Patel, City of Detroit Mayor's Office, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Tanvi Jain Patyal, Points of Light, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Sarah Scalia, Boston Children's Hospital, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Nick Serna, Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA), Michael E. Porter Service Leadership Fellowship
Michael Silvestri, Social Finance, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Megan Williams Rohrer, Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA), Margaret T. Morris Foundation Endowment
Joanna Beasley, Boston Children's Hospital, Michal E. Porter Service Leadership Fellowship
Rony Brodsky, The Harbor Bank of Maryland Community Development Corporation, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Megan Chann, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Jason Flood, Boston Medical Center, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Alexander Glasner, New York Public Radio, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Mizuho Kanai, Sesame Workshop, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Hannah Kleinfeld, Boston Medical Center, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Joy Li, MassHealth, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Rachel Lipson, Year Up, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Alexandra McGoodwin, BRAC USA, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Smitha Ramakrishna, Social Finance, Inc., Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Ken Rowe, City of Boston Mayor's Office, David J. Dunn Fund
Edward Ben Samuels, City of Chicago, Michael E. Porter Service Leadership Fellowship
Denzil Sikka, City of San Jose, Office of Mayor, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Jodie Sweitzer, Code for America, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Michael Alan Williams, The Kresge Foundation, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Kenneth Zauderer, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Jessica Zhao, Whitney Museum of American Art, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Hrithik Bansal, BRAC USA, James A. Atwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Smitha Boyd, Mass IT, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Ophelia Chua, American Ballet Theatre, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Endowment
Andrew Cone, Whitney Museum of American Art, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Margo Cramer, City of Boston, Department of Neighborhood Development, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Tian Feng, UN World Food Programme, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Sherri Geng, Harlem Children's Zone, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Steven Greene, City of Boston Mayor's Office, David J. Dunn Fund
Pia Gugnani, Boston Children's Hospital, Michal E. Porter Service Leadership Fellowship
Ben Luxenberg, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Mark Margiotta, MassHealth, James A. Atwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Ishan Shrestha, MassHealth, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Justin Smith, UN World Food Programme, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Katie Rae Stolper, Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Henry Tsai, City of San Jose Mayor's Office, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Verdell Walker, Sesame Workshop, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Aaron Whittemore, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Melissa Beck, NewSchools Venture Fund, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Casey Brock-Wilson, City of Boston, Mayor's Office, David J. Dunn Fund
Claudia Castelino, United Nations World Food Programme, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Jonathan Dannevig , United Nations World Food Programme, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Sara Gentile, Boston Children's Hospital, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Elizabeth Tyler Harris, Whitney Museum of American Art, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Dan Kaplan, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Michele Lewkowitz, City of Boston, Department of Neighborhood Development, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Patty McCormick, Association of Latino Professionals For America (ALPFA), Margaret T. Morris Foundation Endowment
Michelle (Mickey) Millar, Boston Medical Center, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Alterrell Mills, Harlem Children's Zone, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Shemeka Neville, Coalition for Queens, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Joanna Pucci, Robin Hood Foundation, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Evan Rowe, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Ben Schutzman, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Jade Smith, Kresge Foundation, Michael E. Porter Service Leadership Fellowship
Fouad Aoun, Mercy Corps, Richard and Helen Bibbero Fund
Lauren Barra, Grameen America, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Carl Brinton, Boston Children's Hospital, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Justin Christopher, Year Up, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
James Correa, City of Sacramento, Office of Mayor Kevin Johnson, Michael E. Porter Service Leadership Fellowship
Rebekah Emanuel, City of Boston, Department of Neighborhood Development, David J. Dunn Fund
Jay Goyal, Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation, Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Fellowship Fund
Jamie Gresh, Hospital for Special Surgery, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Ming Min Hui, Boston Ballet, James A. Attwood, Jr. (MBA 1984) Fellowship Fund
Daniel Kim, City of Boston, Mayor's Office, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund
Josh Latson, Boston Medical Center, Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Fellowship Fund
Alexandra Nicholson, Single Stop, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Erin Patten, The Kresge Foundation, Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Fellowship Fund
Paulina Ponce de Leon Barido, World Wildlife Fund, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Chantel Rush, The Kresge Foundation, Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Fellowship Fund
Christine Schoppe, Girl Scouts of the USA, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Ivy So, Nonprofit Finance Fund, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Endowment
Marcos Valdez, Boston Medical Center, David J. Dunn Fund
Dan Vallone, U.S. Dept of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Endowment
Christina Anderson, Harlem Children's Zone, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Leadership Fellow
Gerhard Binas, The Nature Conservancy, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Matthew Cohlmia, Health Leads Inc., Michael E. Porter Service Leadership Fellow
Roniesha Copeland, L.A. Unified School District, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Yeshanth Gunewardena, Mercy Corps, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Eleanor Joseph, City of Boston Mayor's Office, David J. Dunn Leadership Fellow
Janine Kacprzak, KaBOOM!, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel and Richard and Helen Bibbero Leadership Fellow
Xueling Lee, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Leadership Fellow
Larissa Marco, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Tracy Massel, Hospital for Special Surgery, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Sage Ruth, The Boston Foundation, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Kasia Stochniol, Acumen Fund, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Rebecca Zofnass, Teach For America, Richard Lumpkin Leadership Fellow
Aaron Anderson, City of Sacramento Mayor's Office, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Leadership Fellow
Megan Brown, Boston Redevelopment Authority, David J. Dunn Leadership Fellow
Rachel Cecil, Hospital for Special Surgery, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Christopher Daniels, U.S. Department of Education, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Landon Dickey, City of Boston Mayor's Office, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Gena Haugen, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Richard Lumpkin Leadership Fellow
Miki Heller, Teach For America, Richard Lumpkin Leadership Fellow
Scott Hofmeister, Environmental Defense Fund, Porter Leadership Fellow
Chris Hurst, Mercy Corps, Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Leadership Fellow
Ryan Kennedy, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund Leadership Fellow
Casey Littlefield, Social Finance, Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Leadership Fellow
Ebele Mora, Year Up, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Emily Rasmussen, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Jane Silfen, Trust for Governors Island, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Robert Silverman, Oxfam America, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Leadership Fellow
Dileepan Siva, Endeavor Global, Jorge Paulo Lemann Fund at Harvard Business School Leader Fellow
Evan Sketchley, The Nature Conservancy, Richard Lumpkin Dean's Discretionary Fund and Richard and Helen Bibbero Leadership Fellow
Karen Tang, Nonprofit Finance Fund, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Leadership Fellow
Adam Zalisk, Harlem Children's Zone, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Lalita Booth, Year Up, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Leadership Fellow
Meredith Cantrell, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Lucia Franzese, Grameen America, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Meera Krishnan, City of Sacramento Mayor's Office, Michael E. Porter/Richard and Helen Bibbero Fund Leadership Fellow
Ana Mahony, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Caitlin Reimers, Social Finance, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Benjamin Rose, Hospital for Special Surgery, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Christopher Satti, City of Boston Mayor's Office, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation / David J. Dunn Fund Leadership Fellow
Matthew Schrimpf, Harlem Children's Zone, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Erin Barringer, Endeavor Global, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel and Jorge Paulo Lemann Leadership Fellow
Clive Chang, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Austin Johnsen, World Wildlife Fund, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Daniel Koh, City of Boston Mayor's Office, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Michael Louis, Partners In Health, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Ben Schumacher, Teach For America, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Alisa Seewald, Year Up, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel and Margaret T. Morris Foundation Leadership Fellow
Mariah Sheriff, City of Sacramento Mayor's Office, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation and Michael E. Porter Leadership Fellow
Rebecca Arnold, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Patrisha Carlson, Partners in Health, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Hui Wen Chan, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Tamara Heimur, Millennium Challenge Corporation, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Lindsey Henken, Hospital for Special Surgery, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Jean-Claude Homawoo, Endeavor, Jorge Paulo Lemann Leadership Fellow
Danelle Radney, Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, Michael E. Porter Leadership Fellow
Matt Segneri, City of Boston Mayor's Office, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Whitney Segneri, Teach For America, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Leadership Fellow
Lindsay Steinmetz, Ford Foundation, Richard Lumpkin Leadership Fellow
Stella Treas, Special Olympics, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Mark Angelo, Hospital for Special Surgery, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Stephen Chan, City of Boston Mayor's Office, John Whitehead Leadership Fellow
Brian Elliot, Endeavor, Jorge Paulo Lemann Leadership Fellow
Andrew Feinberg, City of Boston Mayor's Office, David Dunn Leadership Fellow
Jessica Hubbard, WGBH Educational Foundation, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Leadership Fellow
Alla Jezmir, Calvert Foundation, Richard Lumpkin Leadership Fellow
Benjamin Kennedy, Kresge Foundation, John Whitehead Leadership Fellow
Shilla Kim-Parker, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Nicki Leahy, Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Alice Lin, The Children's Investment Fund Foundation, Richard Lumpkin Leadership Fellow
Aarti Maheshwari Sura, New Profit, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Betsy Mallow, Ford Foundation, John Whitehead Leadership Fellow
Rosita Najmi, Mercy Corps, Michael E. Porter/Carl and Lilly Pforzheimer Foundation Leadership Fellow
Kaveesh Nath, World Wildlife Fund, Richard Lumpkin Leadership Fellow
Marlene Ngoyi, Grassroots Business Fund, Carl and Lilly Pforzheimer Foundation Service Leadership Fellow
Karibu Nyaggah, Dillard University, Carl and Lilly Pforzheimer Foundation Service Leadership Fellow
Carter Romansky, Citizen Schools, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Aaron Rudenstine, Civic Builders, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Jessica Schmidt, Right To Play International, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Tiffany Singleton, UNCF, Inc., Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Drew Van Pelt, Teach For America, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Leslie Albers, Rocky Mountain Institute, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Mikaela Boyd, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Nga Chiem, Year Up, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Leadership Fellow
Claire Farley, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Meredith Hamilton, Citizen Schools, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
John S. Kim, Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Maura Marino, NewSchools Venture Fund, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Adrian Mucalov, Endeavor, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Tim Nicolette, City of Boston Mayor's Office, Michael E. Porter/ Carl and Lilly Pforzheimer Foundation Leadership Fellow
Kara Medoff Barnett, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Annie Bertrand, Mercy Corps, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Jared Henderson, Teach for America, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Laura (Dicker) Low Ah Kee, Hospital for Special Surgery, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Heather McLetchie-Leader, Citizen Schools, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Roshini Moodley Naidoo, Oxfam America, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Andy Murphy, World Wildlife Fund, Carl and Lilly Pforzheimer Foundation Leadership Fellow
Lauren Scopaz, Harlem Children's Zone, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Leadership Fellow
Cindy Song, Habitat for Humanity International, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Leadership Fellow
Matt Thomas, ACCION International, Michael E. Porter/Richard Lumpkin Leadership Fellow
Jessica Freireich, Save the Children, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Megan Gardner, ProNicaragua, Richard Lumpkin Service Leadership Fellow
Keat Goh, ACCION International, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Pablo Jenkins, Endeavor Global, Richard Lumpkin Service Leadership Fellow
Anh Nguyen, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Chris Osgood, City of Boston Mayor's Office, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Amy Yamner, NewSchools Venture Fund, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Basilia Yao, Mercy Corps, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Valerie Bockstette, New Sector Alliance, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Service Leadership Fellow
Marisa Bold, NewSchools Venture Fund, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Glen Brenner, City of Boston Mayor's Office, Richard Lumpkin Service Leadership Fellow
Juan Fernandez, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Carl and Lilly Pforzheimer Foundation Service Leadership Fellow
Jennifer Houston, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Monisha Kapila, ACCION International, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Cindy Ko, Endeavor Global, Jorge Paulo Lemann Service Leadership Fellow
Janelle Lin, LA's BEST After School Enrichment Program - City of Los Angeles Mayor's Office, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Molly Hellerman, Junior Achievement, Richard Lumpkin Service Leadership Fellow
Seema Reddy, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Service Leadership Fellow
Misha Simmonds, NewSchools Venture Fund, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Mitchell Weiss, City of Boston Mayor's Office, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Katherine Cunningham, Teach for America, Richard Lumpkin Service Leadership Fellow
Louise Curbishley, Endeavor Global, Richard Lumpkin Service Leadership Fellow
Stephanie Jacoby, Phipps Houses, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Lee Koffler, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Andwele Lewis, Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC), Richard Lumpkin Service Leadership Fellow
Maria Rivas, President of Nicaragua/PRONICARAGUA, MBA Class of 1973 Fund Service Leadership Fellow
David Schlendorf, Federal Bureau of Investigation, MBA Class of 1973 Fund Service Leadership Fellow
Stacy Schwartz, Hospital for Special Surgery, Margaret T. Morris Foundation Service Leadership Fellow
Jesse Souweine, City of Boston Mayor's Office, Horace W. Goldsmith/Richard L. Menschel Service Leadership Fellow
Mark Bearn, African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships (ACHAP), Richard Lumpkin Service Leadership Fellow
Monica Chi, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Baker Foundation Service Leadership Fellow
Nicole Hanrahan, Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Baker Foundation Service Leadership Fellow
Alexis Juneja, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Baker Foundation Service Leadership Fellow
Mardie Oakes, Boston Community Capital, Baker Foundation Service Leadership Fellow
Stanley Omosa, Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, Baker Foundation Service Leadership Fellow
Juan Carlos Pereira, Presidential Commission for Investment Promotion, Nicaragua, Richard Lumpkin Service Leadership Fellow
Meredith Weenick, City of Boston Mayor's Office, Baker Foundation Service Leadership Fellow
Robert Zeaske, Mercy Corps, MBA Class of 1973 Fund Service Leadership Fellow