Social Enterprise, founded in 1993, was the first established Initiative at Harvard Business School. SEI came to later serve as a model for the School to address topics that sit at the intersection of business and society and do not fit neatly within traditional academic disciplines. Today, there are a total of eight Initiatives at HBS that cover a range of topics from sectors of the economy to societal issues.
In the spirit of promoting collaborative efforts between the Initiative teams, HBS created an administrative department in 2014 to advance the strategic and operational goals of its expanded portfolio of Initiatives.
So what exactly are HBS Initiatives? Here are a few key ways to consider them:
Together, the Initiatives provide powerful platforms to address complex topics that businesses must address in an ever-changing global marketplace.
Learn more about the eight HBS Initiatives:
Business and Environment Initiative – Inspiring innovation at the intersection of business and the environment by catalyzing new research, new ideas, and practical, effective solutions.
Business History Initiative – Enabling scholars, educators, and practitioners to better understand key issues within the modern business world by studying its past.
Digital Initiative – Building expertise and community around the digital economy at HBS and fostering the exchange of ideas between HBS and the broader business world.
Rock Center for Entrepreneurship – Championing entrepreneurship through the Rock Center which helps MBAs focus on what it takes to launch and lead successful companies.
Gender Initiative – Accelerating the advancement of women leaders and promoting gender equity in business and society through research, teaching, and knowledge dissemination.
Health Care Initiative – Impacting managerial practice and the pace of innovation by educating leaders and innovators who aspire to improve value across the health care industry.
Leadership Initiative – Advancing cutting-edge research and course development to help leaders confront today’s dynamic and complex managerial challenges and opportunities.
Social Enterprise Initiative – Applying innovative business practices and managerial disciplines to drive sustained, high-impact social change.
To learn more about the HBS Initiatives, visit www.hbs.edu/initiatives.