Harvard Business School » Social Enterprise » Alumni Engagement » Leadership Collaborative

Alumni Engagement

Leadership Collaborative

A Peer Group of Mission Driven Leaders

A new program of the Social Enterprise Initiative, the Leadership Collaborative is designed to connect and support alumni deeply engaged in social impact as a career. This community will serve as a peer network for education, problem solving, and support. Our goal is for alumni to share their latest thinking and practices on issues of critical relevance to the sector, to come together to examine problems of practice, and to examine the distinctive joys and challenges of a career in social impact.

The benefits of the program include:

    • Invitations to events to learn from each other on cross-sector topics such as board development, transition planning, mergers and collaborations, impact measurement, and DEI in practice

    • Connection with HBS Faculty on current research, cases, and other resources

    • Opportunities to join a Forum – ongoing confidential small group convenings with other alumni practitioners to discuss problems of practice

    • Programs to work with and advise students and other alumni on social impact careers and topics

    • Opportunities to contribute to and access a shared resource library for social enterprise practitioners

    • Joining a peer network of HBS alumni social impact practitioners who understand the unique career path challenges and opportunities of an MBA in social impact

The Leadership Collaborative is intended for alumni in a compensated leadership role in the social impact sector. Membership is by application. This program is designed for alumni in social impact sectors including nonprofit, public service, social entrepreneurship, and philanthropy. It is not designed for professionals in impact investing or large scale for-profit social enterprises. Our goal is that this group becomes a true community and we encourage regular participation at events to foster continuous learning and trust

Interested in learning more about The Leadership Collaborative? Contact Emily Rodriguez, Associate Director of Alumni Engagement at emrodriguez@hbs.edu. To join, fill out the application here.