Workshops & Technical Talks
Workshops & Technical Talks
R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a GNU project that provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, etc.) and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible. While a software like SAS can be more amendable to large datasets, R is versatile, well documented and free to use.
For more information, visit
- Introduction to R
R is a programming language that is especially powerful for data exploration, visualization, and statistical analysis. With hands-on exercises, we will learn how to import and manage datasets, create R objects, install and load R packages, conduct basic statistical analyses, and create common graphical displays. This solid foundation of skills is an excellent starting point for using R for everyday and sophisticated research analyses.
The duration of the workshop is 3 hours. Computers with R installed are available on a first-come, first-served basis (for in-person classes). If you will use your own laptop, please install R from and Rstudio from in advance.
Notes and materials for this workshop are available on our Training Materials page.
- Audience: Harvard Faculty, Students, and Staff are all welcome
- Pre-Requisites: This workshop is appropriate for those with little or no prior experience with R
- Software Version:
- Cost: None
- Late Drop/Cancel Fee: None
- Introduction to R Graphics with ggplot2
This introduction to the popular ggplot2 R graphics package will show you how to create a wide variety of graphical displays in R. Topics covered include layering, mapping variables to aesthetics, working with position, color, and other scales, faceting, and themes.
This is an intermediate level workshop appropriate for those already familiar with R. Participants should be familiar with importing and manipulating data in R.
The duration of the workshop is 3 hours. Computers with R installed are available on a first-come, first-served basis (for in-person classes). If you will use your own laptop, please install R from and Rstudio from in advance.
Notes and materials for this workshop are available on our Training Materials page.
- Audience: Harvard Faculty, Students, and Staff are all welcome
- Pre-Requisites:Introduction to R
- Software Version: R version >= 3.5 and RStudio version >= 1.1
- Cost: None
- Late Drop/Cancel Fee: None
- Regression Models in R
This hands-on workshop will demonstrate a variety of statistical procedures using the open-source statistical software program R. Topics covered include multiple regression, modeling with categorical variables, and model comparison.
We expect that users enrolled in this workshop are already familiar with multiple regression from a statistical standpoint, and are interested in learning how to run these procedures in R.
The duration of the workshop is 3 hours. Computers with R installed are available on a first-come, first-served basis (for in-person classes). If you will use your own laptop, please install R from and RStudio from in advance.
Notes and materials for this workshop are available on our Training Materials page.
- Audience: Harvard Faculty, Students, and Staff are all welcome
- Pre-Requisites:Introduction to R
- Software Version: R version >= 3.5 and RStudio version >= 1.1
- Cost: None
- Late Drop/Cancel Fee: None
- Basic R Programming for Data Analysis
This hands-on, intermediate course will guide you through a variety of programming functions in the open-source statistical software program, R. It is intended for those already comfortable with using R for data analysis who wish to move on to writing their own functions. To the extent possible this workshop uses real-world examples. Concepts will be introduced as they are needed for a realistic analysis task. In the course of working through a realistic project we will learn about interacting with web services, regular expressions, iteration, functions, control flow and more.
- Audience: HBS researchers, with priority given to faculty
- Pre-Requisites: Basic familiarity with R, such as acquired from an introductory R workshop
- Cost: None
- Late Drop/Cancel Fee: None
- R Data Wrangling
Statistics courses usually use clean and well-behaved data for examples and homework. This leaves many unprepared for the messiness and chaos of data in the real world. This workshop aims to prepare you for dealing with messy data by walking you through real-life example.
The duration of the workshop is 3 hours. Computers with R installed are available on a first-come, first-served basis (for in-person classes). If you will use your own laptop, please install R from and Rstudio from in advance.
Notes and materials for this workshop are available on our Training Materials page.
- Audience: Harvard Faculty, Students, and Staff are all welcome
- Pre-Requisites:Introduction to R
- Software Version: R version >= 3.5 and RStudio version >= 1.1
- Cost: None
- Late Drop/Cancel Fee: None