Database Server
ODBC is an API for interacting with databases from any vendor and in any location. ODBC is widely supported by operating systems (e.g., Windows), database systems (e.g., MariaDB), and commonly-used tools such as Stata. This compatibility across environments may come at the expense of performance. Most users will not notice this drawback. However for high-performance needs, please contact RCS at to discuss alternatives.
ODBC set up is different on Windows versus on the Grid or Mac. Please refer to the appropriate sections for detailed instructions:
- Setup Instructions for Grid Users
The HBSGrid already has an ODBC administration tool and appropriate ODBC drivers. However, each user needs to configure each of their ODBC connections within one .odbc.ini file in their home directory.To check if you already have this file, please run the following command
ls -a ~/ | grep *odbc.ini ;
If no results are returned, then you will need to create one or request a template from RCS. If you do have an odbc.ini file, then you will need to confirm whether you have an existing connection with correct parameters or you will need to add a new connection.
Once your .odbc.ini file is ready for testing, please take a moment to confirm which dsn you will be using for your ODBC connection. The dsn is the connection group, as described in the .odbc.ini section referenced above. With the dsn in hand, run the following command on the Grid, replacing DSN with your dsn.
isql DSN
You will hopefully get a "Connected!" message indicating the connection was successful. If you did connect, then enter quit; to exit the isql console. If you did not connect, then please confirm you are using the correct dsn and that the parameters are correctly set. Please contact RCS for assistance.
- Setup Instructions for Windows Users
While MariaDB has developed an ODBC driver, the most-recently-tested version does not support SSL connections and therefore will not work. Subsequently, we recommend Windows users download and install the latest MySQL connector at
You will be asked to select your OS version for the proper installer. If you are unsure of which system type is on your machine, then please run the following command ithin the Command Prompt:
wmic os get osarchitecture
Once you have the system type, please select the appropriate OS Version on the MySQL Connector page for the proper installer. In the example below we are selecting the MSI Installer for Windows (x86, 64-bit):
For convenience, please select the MSI installer. You might then be taken to the "Begin Your Download" page. You do not need to sign up for any account. You can simply scroll down to the bottom and select "No thanks, just start my download".
Once you have downloaded the installer, run it. When asked to select Typical, Complete, or Custom, please select Typical. If you do run into issues with the Typical download you can come back and select Complete. The example here will be based on the Typical install.
After the installation has completed, you will need to configure your ODBC data sources with the ODBC Administrator. Windows has a built-in ODBC administration tool. To access it, click on the Windows Start button, type "data sources" and then select Data Sources (ODBC) as shown below. For users with a Windows version earlier than Windows 7, you may not have this tool. Instead, you will use 32 Bit Administration Tool.
Within the ODBC Administrator window, please verify that the MySQL ODBC connector is present under the Drivers tab.
Next, switch to the User DSN tab, click Add..., and then select the appropriate MySQL ODBC connector (there may be two versions of the driver, ANSI and Unicode, in which case RCS recommends using ANSI) followed by clicking on Finished.
A new window will open to configure your Data Source. Configuring your Data Source should be straightforward. The required fields, as shown below, are:
Data Source Name = Any name may be used, but please do not include spaces
TCP/IP Server = Our MariaDB host name
User = MariaDB username
Password = MariaDB password
Database = You may leave this blank. It is recommended to use your personal databasePlease be sure to click on Test to validate your connection settings!
Now you should see your newly created Data Source Name under the User DSN tab. Click OK and you are done!
- Setup Instructions for Mac Users
Getting ODBC up and running to connect to the MariaDB server at HBS consists of four steps: installing the ODBC framework , installing the ODBC manager, installing the MariaDB ODBC driver, and Configuring the ODBC Connection.
Installing the ODBC Framework
Macs can support both unixODBC and iODBC. It is the latter framework that is typically used for most Mac OS GUI programs. Download the iODBC installer from
To install iODBC:
- After downloading iODBC, double-click on the downloaded .dmg file.
Double-click on the installer file,
, and follow the prompts.
Note: iODBC provides a GUI administrator tool for configuring drivers and DSNs (data source names); however, this tool has some problems and, therefore, should not be used to create or manage DSNs. We will use ODBC Manager instead.
Installing the ODBC Manager
ODBC Manager is a GUI tool for configuring drivers and creating/managing DSNs. Although one can create the required files (odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini) by hand, the GUI tool is more convenient.
Please download ODBC Manager from
To install the ODBC Manager:
- After downloading ODBC Manager, double-click on the downloaded .dmg file.
Double-click on the installer file,
ODBC Manager.pkg
, and follow the prompts.
The installer places the ODBC Manager tool in the
directory.Installing the MariaDB ODBC Driver
The final component needed is the ODBC driver itself. This connects the ODBC Manager to the local or remote database, and thus is specific for the target database system you wish to use. Although we are using MariaDB as our relational database server, we prefer to use the MySQL ODBC Connector instead.
Please download the MySQL ODBC Connector from
To install the MySQL ODBC Connector:
- After downloading MySQL ODBC Connector DMG Archive, double-click on the downloaded .dmg file.
Double-click on the installer file,
, and follow the prompts.
The installer places the ODBC drivers in the appropriate location on your hard drive.
Configuring the ODBC Connection
To configure a DSN on macOS you can use the ODBC Administrator GUI. To use ODBC Administrator first open the ODBC Administrator from the
folder in theApplications
folder. From theODBC Administrator
dialog, choose the 'User DSN' and click 'Add':Select the 'Connector/ODBC driver' and click 'OK'. You will be presented with the '
Data Source Name
(DSN)' dialog. Enter 'MariaDB' as theData Source Name
and enter an optionalDescription
for the DSN:Click "Add" to add a new keyword/value pair to the panel. Please configure the following connection parameters:
server = HOSTNAME
port = 3306
database = jharvard
user = jharvard
password = PASSWORD
sslmode = required
sslca = PATH_TO_SSL_CERTnoting that you will substitute "jharvard" and "PASSWORD" with your MariaDB username and password. For the other parameters such as 'HOSTNAME', please contact us at The PATH_TO_SSL_CERT should be the location where you placed the "ca-cert.pem" on your local hard drive. If this had been placed in your home folder, the path would be "/Users/(youraccountname)/ca-cert.pem".
- ODBC Configuration Files for Non-Windows Users
This section only applies to non-Windows users.
ODBC Configuration Files
ODBC configuration files are important for setting up connection parameters to our MariaDB server in a secure manner. We have detailed descriptions of the configuration files below.
The .odbc.ini configuration file found within your home directory is used to store ODBC connection details to any ODBC-compliant database server, such as our MariaDB server. This file will identify which driver to use for the connection as well as user account information and connection parameters to the server.
All ODBC connections are to be defined within a single .odbc.ini file. Within this configuration file, each grouping of parameters is preceded by [GROUP_NAME]. This is the DSN or data source name. Stata or any other program you wish to connect to your database will require you to specify which dsn you want to use.
Do I need this file?
If you are going to use Stata or any other tool that relies on an ODBC connection, then yes you must have this file.
I don't have this file (on the Grid). How do I create one?
You may request a template or create your own with the following details
[ODBC Data Sources]
rcs_mariadb = RCS_MariaDB_ODBC_connection
driver = mariaDB
server = HOSTNAME
port = 3306
database = jharvard
user = jharvard
password = PASSWORD
sslmode = required
sslca = PATH_TO_SSL_CERTPlease note that you will substitute jharvard and PASSWORD with your MariaDB username and password. For the other parameters such as HOSTNAME, please contact us at
Once your .odbc.ini is ready, move it to your home directory and adjust file privileges to ensure no one else can read the file. On the Grid or on a linux or Mac local machine, you may prevent others from reading the file via the command:
chmod 700 ~/.odbc.ini
Can I use the same .odbc.ini on the Grid and on my local machine?
You will have different entries under driver and sslca depending on whether you are on the Grid or on your local machine. The parameter ssl-ca defines the path to your SSL CA certificate file. The path to the SSL CA certificate file will be different across machines as a result. Please contact us at for assistance. The parameter driver defines which ODBC driver to use. For driver with your Grid .odbc.ini file, we recommend using mariaDB as it will ensure you are using the drivers managed by RCS. On your local machine, however, you will need to either specify the path to your ODBC driver or to the correct listing within your odbcinst.ini file (see next section).
The odbcinst.ini configuration file found within your local home directory is used to store ODBC driver details. This file is used in conjunction with .odbc.ini (see section above).
Do I need this file?
If you are going to be using your local machine with Stata or any other tool that relies on ODBC connections, then yes you must have this file.
I don't see this file on my local machine. Is there an .odbcinst.ini file on the Grid to copy?
Yes, but you will need to modify it. More specifically, you will need to update the path to the ODBC driver.
The Grid file may be found at /etc/odbcinst.ini.
The path to the drivers may be found within this file by reading it. As an example, you may read it by using the command cat /etc/odbcinst.ini. You will notice that there is an entry for [mariaDB] and lists the driver path as /usr/lib64/ You should copy this driver file to your local machine. Once you have copied odbcinst.ini to your local home directory, edit it such that the driver path under [mariaDB] points to the local driver file.