Software Tools
Git & Github
Git & Github
What version control systems are available to you?
There are many different version control systems available, but one of the most widely used is Git, which is the program that will track changes of your scripts (source code) over time. And Git should not be confused with GitHub, which is a hosting service for Git repositories, the bundle of files and folders that represent your work and the typically-invisible data files that track your changes & history. Other hosting services include GitLab, SourceForge, and BitBucket.
If you'd like general information on how to use Git, please see the excellent, self-paced materials for Git at the command line from Software Carpentry. For a GUI version of Git, we recommend GitKraken, and our own GitKraken usage tutorial.
Git and GitKraken are installed on the HBSGrid. GitLFS, the extensions for handling files larger than 50 MB, is also installed.