Why We Recruit is a series of interviews with our recruiting partners covering everything from their experience working with HBS to what they would like students to know. Each week, we will release a new interview that dives into a unique perspective on recruiting.

Name, Title and Organization:
Kelly Raulino, Manager, Redwoods Leadership Development, DaVita HealthCare Partners, Inc.

Describe your organization in three to five sentences.
DaVita HealthCare Partners, a Fortune 500® company, is one of the nation's largest and most innovative healthcare communities, leveraging a passion for and commitment to clinical excellence and improving patients' health and quality of life. DaVita focuses on setting worldwide standards for clinical, social, and operational practices in kidney care, with over 2,200 dialysis clinics worldwide in over 11 countries. HealthCare Partners, the country's largest operator of medical groups and physician networks, provides integrated care management as an operating division of DaVita HealthCare Partners, focusing on delivering outstanding healthcare across a broad range of services.

How long has your organization been recruiting at Harvard Business School and what roles do you hire for?
DaVita has been recruiting at HBS for over 10 years. We focus our recruiting on our Redwoods Leadership Development Program, which consists of a 10-week internship program and a yearlong full-time program.

What recruiting tactics have you found most successful in engaging with students and/or alumni at HBS?
Over the years we have found that one-to-one outreach is our most successful recruiting tactic. The personal connection between our teammates and the students has really helped us not only build our brand on campus but create more intimate relationships with the students, which in turn helps us coordinate their successful placement.

Give us your elevator pitch – what is the one thing students should know about working for you?
You are the master of your own "career destiny," if you have the drive and are willing to learn you will be successful at DaVita!

Is there anything else you would like to share with fellow recruiters or those who are new to recruiting with HBS?
Build your relationship with Career & Professional Development, they are your biggest advocates on campus, then once you have hired a couple of students leverage them on campus – alumni relationships are huge.