Whether this is your first time recruiting at HBS, or you are a returning recruiting partner, we have five tips for getting your recruiting efforts at HBS off to a great start.

1. Determine Your Ideal Candidate – Identify the characteristics of your ideal candidate. Do you require specific functional or industry experience? What skill sets would add value to your team? Our Resume Book Database can help you find candidates that fit this profile. Companies also often work with relevant career-related student clubs on campus by sponsoring events and advertising job opportunities. This will help you target potential hires with interest in your industry.

2. Familiarize Yourself With the Recruiting Guide – Once you have determined your ideal candidate, review the HBS Recruiting Guide to learn how to best engage students. The recruiting guide will be your resource for all information related to our recruiting options, including details on recruiting events, interviews and job postings.

3. Create / Update Your Recruiting Account – Recruiters utilize our online recruiting platform to post jobs, sign-up for recruiting events and interviews and request student and club resume books. When creating your account, keep in mind that your company description will help market your organization to students. Include key details that make your company unique. If you already have an account, we encourage you to make sure your company details and contact information are up to date.

4. Determine Your Measure for Success – What is your idea of a successful recruiting season? Would you like to hire one great summer intern? Do you want to build a pipeline of talent for full-time roles? For most companies, a successful season is independent of the number of recruiting events and more a result of an effective and tailored recruiting strategy.

5. Determine Your Strategy –In addition to exploring our recruiting platform and Recruiting Guide, we also encourage you to contact your industry specific Recruiting Relations Manager who can help you create a personalized recruiting strategy. While you build your strategy, you will want to consider the amount of time you are able to devote to recruiting, as this will affect what we recommend in terms of recruiting options. We also encourage you to identify individuals in your organization who are passionate about telling your story and will able to effectively engage potential candidates. HBS Alumni at the company are often ideal company representatives.

Key Takeaways

There are many ways to engage in recruiting at HBS no matter your hiring strategy or recruiting resources. We offer many different options to best fit your needs and are here to help you make the most of your recruiting efforts. These five steps will help you get started, and our office will be here to partner with you throughout the process.

Contact cpd@hbs.edu with any questions related to your recruiting needs.

This blog post content was generated by the HBS Recruiting Operations team.