Current Position:

Founder, NextWave Hire

Current Location:

Cambridge, MA

Tell us what you’re up to these days.

Along with a friend that I met at the Harvard Business School Innovation Lab, I've started a software company that helps businesses build their employer brands through authentic employee stories.

Here's the quick elevator pitch: The average job seeker spends 2 hours researching a company before applying, and for most businesses that means they find a generic job description, career page with little on it, and some biased online reviews. We enable companies to build their brands with amazing content about working at their business that lives on career pages, social media, etc. And, because we're data geeks, we've built some really interesting analytics on the back end.

I spend most of my days talking to potential customers about using our platform, as well as thinking about our product roadmap.

How has having an MBA impacted your career?

We're a startup most of our future customers have never heard of. HBS gives me credibility when selling to larger companies. While HBS helped shape the way I think about the world, I think the other massive benefit is having a peer group that inspires me. When I meet up with friends from HBS, I always feel a new level of motivation and inspiration that gets my creative juices flowing.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Where will the next chapter take you?

I love taking a product to market that I had a large hand in conceiving and building. The challenges inherent in entrepreneurship get me up in the morning, and spike my adrenaline when those magical moments of achievement happen. So, I definitely want to be involved with building and selling products.

My pre-HBS background was mostly in venture capital, and so I'd also like to have more exposure to investing again as I miss the more intellectual aspects of thinking through a customer need, market, deal, etc. Most of my day now is very execution focused, as opposed to more cerebral thinking about strategy.