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December 2010
21 Dec 2010
Harvard Business School Faculty on 2010's Biggest Business Developments
BOSTON—From the problems posed by the Great Recession to the devastation in Haiti and the Gulf of Mexico, from the continuing economic growth of India and China to a cascade of entrepreneurial ventures, the year 2010 offered a wide assortment of accomplishments and disappointments. We asked three Harvard Business School professors—former Medtronic chairman and CEO Bill George, economist and entrepreneurship expert Bill Sahlman, and innovation and strategy authority Rosabeth Moss Kanter--to offer their thoughts on some of the year's most significant developments in the world of business and economics. Read more.
21 Dec 2010
Nine New Books by Harvard Business School Faculty
BOSTON—Nine books authored or coauthored by Harvard Business School faculty members were published recently covering a wide array of management topics. Read more.
20 Dec 2010
Harvard Business School Launches Fund for Student Start-Ups
BOSTON—Harvard Business School's (HBS) Arthur Rock Center for Entrepreneurship today announced the Minimum Viable Product Fund (MVP Fund), which will offer $50,000 in total awards to student entrepreneurs over the winter semester. Read more.
14 Dec 2010
Five Doctoral Students Win Research Awards
BOSTON—The Harvard Business School Doctoral Programs, under the direction of Professor Mihir Desai, the Mizuho Financial Group Professor of Finance, have presented three Wyss Awards for Excellence in Doctoral Research and two Martin Awards for Excellence in Business Economics to five doctoral candidates. These prizes are presented annually to outstanding students engaged in innovative dissertation research. Read more.
09 Dec 2010
Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School to Map Clusters in U.S. Regions
BOSTON—The Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School, founded and led by Professor Michael E. Porter, has been selected by the U.S. Commerce Department's Economic Development Administration (EDA) to lead the Cluster Mapping Project for the United States. The project aims to provide policymakers and development practitioners across America with rich data and tools for understanding industry clusters in every region of the country, together with tool kits and case studies to assist in formulating economic development strategies. In addition, the project will develop a directory of active cluster initiatives throughout the country. Read more.
02 Dec 2010
Harvard Business School Names New Kaplan Life Sciences Fellows
BOSTON—Two life science entrepreneurs, two biomedical engineers, an authority on molecular biology, a venture capitalist, an expert in stem cell therapy, a neuropsychologist, and a mechanical engineer are the 2010 recipients of the Robert S. Kaplan Life Sciences Fellowship at Harvard Business School. All are first-year students in the School's MBA program. Read more.