China’s Challenge: Press censorship in the internet era
China’s Challenge: Press censorship in the internet era
Within months of Xi Jinping’s accession to power, the Chinese Communist Party issued a directive banning the discussion of seven “dangerous” topics. Universities and media were to cease discussing what had been areas of open argument for years. One of the seven taboo topics is freedom of the press as outlined in the now famous Document 9. With such censorship, it’ no surprise that the size of the Chinese Internet is growing rapidly. People in China turn to the Internet to get a deeper understanding of what’s going on in their country and learn more about public opinion. Yet at the same time, the Chinese government has focused considerable energy on managing the Internet, most recently with a campaign against spreading rumors. Ironically, the Chinese government itself is the source of many online rumors, some of which may be efforts to shape Chinese consumers’ perceptions of foreign brands and companies. Professors Misiek Piskorski, Christopher Marquis, William Kirby and Warren McFarlan , as well as David Wertime, founding editor of the online magazine Tea Leaf Nation, tackle the topic of China, it's current challenges, and future prospects. More on press censorship in ChinaWhy China Loves the Internet, by Misiek Piskorski The Truth About Online Rumors in China, by Christopher Marquis Five Challenges China Must Meet by 2034, by William C. Kirby, F. Warren McFarlan, Regina Abrami Reading the Tea Leaves: Sourcing News from Chinese Social Media, re: David Wertime |
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