HBS Votes
HBS Votes
At Harvard Business School, we educate leaders who make a difference in the world. As an authority on leadership, we have the responsibility to champion the causes
that align with our values as a business school.
Drawing inspiration from the Harvard Votes Challenge, a nonpartisan initiative to build civic culture among the Harvard community, and from the Day for Democracy initiative started by HBS alum Peter Palandjian, we seek to draw attention to the role that business leaders have in sustaining democracy.
School News
A Day for Democracy: A Q&A with Peter Palandjian (AB 1987, MBA 1993)
By: Peter Palandjian
By: Peter Palandjian
- 02 OCT 2020
Long frustrated by low voter turnout in US elections, Peter Palandjian , chairman
and CEO of Intercontinental Real Estate Corporation, decided to take action. In late
July, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, he created A Day for Democracy, a non-partisan initiative that asks US employers to pledge to give their employees
time off to vote and/or to encourage their employees to register and to vote. In this
Q&A Peter speaks about the initiative, his perspectives on democracy and civic responsibility,
and his hopes for the future.
HBS Community Engaged and Excited about 2020 Elections
By: Rebecca Braun
By: Rebecca Braun
- 06 OCT 2020
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- Harbus
Rebecca Braun (MBA ’21) reports on the concerted efforts by the HBS Community to improve civic engagement and voter turnout in the upcoming presidential election.
We asked our faculty, students and staff to tell us what they feel is the importance
of democracy in business and their answers are inspiring. Read all of their quotes.
How the alumni community is working to get out the vote this election season.
Is it Possible to Make Voting Easier While Maintaining Security?
By: Mitchell Weiss
By: Mitchell Weiss
- 13 OCT 20202
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- Harvard Business Review
Several factors can make it difficult for many people in the US to vote: skin color,
health, disability, and location. Can we make voting equally accessible to all and
also maintain the safety and security of our elections? Professor Mitch Weiss discusses
the risks and possibilities involved in reinventing our democracy in this episode
of Cold Call about his case on mobile-voting platform, Voatz.
Several factors can make it difficult for many people in the US to vote: skin color,
health, disability, and location. Can we make voting equally accessible to all and
also maintain the safety and security of our elections? Professor Mitch Weiss discusses
the risks and possibilities involved in reinventing our democracy in this episode
of Cold Call about his case on mobile-voting platform, Voatz.
HBS Community 2020 Election Coverage
Community conversations around the 2020 presidential election