Stephen Mathew
Home Region
Cooper City, FL
My classmates’ diverse perspectives helped me not only understand complex business concepts but also how they can be effectively used in different industries, countries, and functions.
Coming to HBS is like...
Drinking from the fountain of youth: you get the opportunity to restart your career path, dance like you've never had back pain, learn an incredible amount of fascinating knowledge, and make a whole new set of life-long friends.
What is your most memorable classroom moment?
My most memorable classroom moment was when a guest speaker who was the CEO of a large telecommunications company shook my hand and told me he sat in my exact seat when he went to HBS.
What is one thing you brought with you to campus, and one thing you'll be leaving with?
I brought with me a painting of my favorite water spring I would swim in back home. I'll leave with a new painting of Aldrich Hall and all the cherished memories with my friends in there.
How have diverse perspectives in your section contributed to your understanding of business concepts, leadership, and/or problem solving?
My classmates' diverse perspectives helped me not only understand complex business concepts but also how they can be effectively used in different industries, countries, and functions. Most importantly, they helped me piece together the big picture to see how our individual actions can impact business, society, and the world.
If you could give one piece of advice to prospective students, what would it be?
In addition to recruiting and classwork, focus your time on one or two things you're passionate about, then pick one other thing you have never done but have genuine curiosity about and treat it with just as much focus. Spend your remaining time taking care of yourself and having fun. It's this last part that will make the memories you'll cherish forever.