“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
In my pocket, I carry a Gratitude Rock. When I pick it up in the morning, it reminds me to be grateful for all of the opportunities I've been given, for the love and health of my family, and of the promise that someday I might have a really positive impact on this world. This rock has been with me to many places — from my struggles on the lowest levels of the pro tennis tour, to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. It is a reassuring constant to help me confront the ever-shifting challenges of life.

My dream is to be a living, breathing, smiling Gratitude Rock for the important people in my world. The Dad who tiptoes into his kids' bedroom to kiss them on the forehead when they are sleeping. The Husband who sneaks notes into his wife's purse, just to tell her how beautiful she is. The Son who calls his parents to celebrate a big promotion, and reminds them how it all started in that cozy house on Maple Avenue.

As a living rock of gratitude, I will be contagious, spreading energy, confidence, inspiration and compassion to the people I encounter, including you, I hope. We can all be Gratitude Rocks for the people around us.

— Scott Spencer