“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
I will fight contentment.
I want to be happy, of course. But not content. Never content.

I will choose to engage.
Not just listen, but feel. Not just talk, but connect. Not just reach out, but touch.

I will ache with ambition.
To constantly learn. To consistently impact. To conscientiously solve.

I will seek adventure.
Far-away. Close-by. In-between.

I will take a stand.
Surrounded by a crowd. With a solitary few. All alone.

I will listen and share.
My dreams. Your dreams. Our dreams.

I will longingly love.
Her voice. Her smile. Her tears.

I will remember to play.
Competing fiercely. Supporting fully. Participating fairly.

I will cultivate creativity.
In myself and others. At work and home. For labor and fun.

I will reject regret.
I want to reflect, of course. But not regret. Never regret.

— Robert Schwartz