“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Throw out the three- and five- and ten-year plans. All of
them. Wild and
precious life happens in the moments that build on each
other and take us on
a different route than the one we had planned, sometimes
better than the
plan, sometimes worse.
My father lived his life exuberantly... laughing, working,
loving... just how I hope to live mine. His death has
brought the
realization that thinking of life in terms of one wild and
precious life, no
matter how 'wild' or filled with how many 'precious'
experiences, is
infinitely inferior to the lives we live together.
So, what do I want to do with my one wild and precious
life? Enjoy each
moment, as my father would, and share those moments with
the people I love.
— Jaynie Randall