“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

“Let him field. He won’t bat or bowl anyway.”

A 9-year-old me anxiously waited with bated breath as a group of teenagers debated if I should be allowed to join them in a game of cricket. Batsmen stole the limelight. Bowlers were crucial. I could be none of those – just a fielder, a mere sidekick. I did not care. I just wanted to play. I just wanted my shot in this major league of teenagers. They agreed.

In the next one hour, I gave it everything I had. I chased every ball down. I dived to save every run. I did everything to help my team in my limited role. Everyone took notice. Everyone now wanted this committed fielder. I played every game thereafter.

I will always throw myself around for my team not knowing who may get inspired. I will give it my all even if chances of success improve marginally. And I will do it gleefully.

I will find the joy in fielding that no one else does.

— Arpit Agrawal