“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Like many Canadians, I didn't feel that patriotic until coming to the US, and this was not brought on just from the numerous currency and pronunciation jokes. My time here has made me realize what is great about Canada and, more important, what needs fixing. I plan to go back eventually and make my mark on Canada by starting and building a great company and providing a role model for entrepreneurship. I also want to play a major role in the arts by getting involved with the Toronto Film Festival.

Before heading back to Canada, I will continue to point out famous Canadians to others and promote the Olympic sport of curling. I also plan to write a comedic screenplay about my hometown of Winnipeg and open a photography gallery to display my work when it becomes good enough.

Above all else, my most important goal in life is to preserve the happiness my family and I have been experiencing since the birth of our first son, Sloan, on April 1.

— Jeff Chochinov