Lena Licht
Home Region
Boca Raton, FL
I’ll be leaving with the confidence that I can now be a business leader and change maker within my industry.
Coming to HBS is like...
Taking a two-year hiatus from real life and workplace responsibilities to be immersed in a transformative educational and social environment that will forever change the course of your professional and personal life. I had high expectations coming into HBS, and they have been exceeded. I am making lifelong friends, and my skillset and network have grown more than I could have imagined.
What is your most memorable classroom moment?
The Chief Marketing Officer of Glossier sat in our classroom during the Glossier case! She gave us insight into why they changed the formulation of their best-selling product, answered our questions, and then offered us all internships!
What is one thing you brought with you to campus, and one thing you’ll be leaving with?
I brought my skills as a scientist/engineer and the strong desire to pivot my career toward the business side of biotechnology despite lacking tangible business experience. I’ll be leaving with the confidence that I can now be a business leader and change maker within my industry, and I cannot wait to hit the ground running after graduation!
How have diverse perspectives in your section contributed to your understanding of business concepts, leadership, and/or problem solving?
Every case touches on different topics, industries, and problems that we might face as future leaders. Regardless of the case, at least one student in my section will have relevant experience to share about the company in question or the problem being solved. Learning from my peers and hearing behind-the-scenes insights that could never be taught in a typical classroom gives me more tools to take with me as a future leader.
If you could give one piece of advice to prospective students, what would it be?
Be yourself. Everyone brings a unique background to HBS, which is what makes the case method so fulfilling. No two students are the same, so own and celebrate what makes you different and bring your full self to the application process and eventually to the classroom.