Adriann Dolphin
Home Region
Boynton Beach, FL
Clubs and conferences have given me connections to industries I didn’t even know existed.
Why did you choose this path at this point in time?
I knew an MBA could teach me the fundamentals of marketing along with the general business overview that I lacked in my IT work. Sitting in on an HBS case class in 2019 showed me HBS was the program I belonged in.
Coming to HBS is like…
Being overwhelmed with opportunity. In class, I’ve heard new perspectives from my classmates or the case protagonists themselves. Clubs and conferences have given me connections to industries I didn’t even know existed before coming here. I’ve made friends with people from all over the world through my section and the HBS PRIDE club.
Being part of the HBS community is like…
Finding a whole new family. The section experience is my favorite so far. My section is like a 90-person family, we support each other through academics, recruiting, or just life in general.
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A lawyer. I loved reading as a kid and I thought lawyers just spent all day reading.
What is your favorite childhood memory?
My father and I used to spend Saturdays window shopping at the mall. Growing up in a mixed-race, low-income household, I was always looking forward to the rare occasion he could afford to buy something I was admiring. That feeling of anticipation stayed with me and inspires me to bring those same small joys to others through my career.
Who is one person from your life that you admire the most today?
My wife. She left her job in DC to join me in Boston for these two years at HBS. She has been embracing the HBS experience more than me. She took on leadership roles in the Sustainability Club and Divest Harvard while I was still getting my bearings. I love that she has been able to convert her passions into action through her professional and personal life.
What’s the best thing about your hometown?
I’m originally from Palm Beach, FL, but I consider Washington, DC my adopted hometown. I loved being at the center of history in DC. I’m a big history and architecture nerd, so I loved going to see the monuments and museums in the National Mall.