Education Club

Describe education

The Education Club aims to provide students with a platform for shared learning and a cross-functional network to drive change and impact in education.

Annual Events

  • Career info sessions and 1-on-1 coffee chats for students interested in pursuing a career within education

  • Alumni networking events

  • Fireside chat series with policy makers and professors

  • Speaker events / panel discussions on important topics (eg. international education development, edtech investing, future of work).

  • Startup pitch competitions and support

  • Career / learning treks to education organizations (eg. Harvard Business School Online, charter schools, MIT education labs, etc)

  • Brown bag lunches and “Meet & Greets” to connect and build social networks (both within HBS and across schools such as HKS, HGSE, and MIT Sloan).

Club Co-Presidents

Meredith Heckman

Agatha Victoria

Club CFO

Agatha Victoria

Mailing Address

Student Clubs of HBS, Inc. - Education Club
Harvard Business School
117 Western Ave.
Boston, MA 02163