Student Association
The Student Association (SA) is the main interface between the MBA student body and the faculty and administration. Its goal is to represent the student body in making the HBS experience as rewarding and enjoyable as possible. This includes acting on student feedback, planning social events, and, offering products and services to students (e.g., yearbook and the HBS Survival Guide). All members of the MBA student body are members of the SA.
HBS is about the people — the relationships, peer learning, memorable stories, global adventures, and important decisions we experience these wild and precious two years.
The SA is composed of the Executive Committee, Senate, Social Committee, SA Office, and the various committees comprised of section officers (Presidents, Educational Representatives, Career Representatives, Technology Representatives, Community Values Representatives, etc.).
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of the two Co-Presidents and Chief Financial Officer of SA, the Chief Operating Officer, the Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Community Officer, Chief Events Officer, Chief Development Officer, Chief Inclusion Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and Chief Wellness Officer. The committee is responsible for major SA decisions, fiscal responsibility of the SA, and management of the SA Office. The Executive Committee is elected in a class-wide election by the first-year students in February/March.
The Senate is the legislative body of the SA and interfaces directly with administrative and faculty groups on campus through various committees (Academic, Operations, etc.). It is composed of one Senator from each section (both first- and second-year) and representatives from each of the other major committee (Presidents, Technology, Community Values, International, etc.). The Senate is led by a Senate President.
Social Committee
The Social Committee plans many major social events on campus, including TGIFs, Holidazzle, and graduation gala.
Section Officers
Section officers are responsible for leadership of their respective sections and for representing the sections in various campus-wide initiatives. Sections are led by Section Presidents who are responsible for setting section agendas, running section meetings, and moderating any discussions or issues that may arise in the section.
Annual Events
Orientation Events
International Week
Holidazzle Ball
Section Olympics
Graduation Gala