MBA Key Dates & Calendar

Some important dates in the MBA Program during the 2024-2025 Academic Year:


1 AUGMS/MBA: Engineering and MS/MBA: Biotechnology RC program begins
20 AUGRequired RC Registration
21-23 AUGRequired RC START
26 AUGRC Fall Term courses begin
29 AUGCross-Registration petitions accepted for EC Fall Term
2 SEPLabor Day
3 SEPRequired EC Kickoff
4 SEPEC Fall Term courses begin
6 SEPEC Open Day
18 SEPEC Open Day
21 SEPWeekend Sprints (special on-campus academic programming, optional)
27 SEPRC and EC Open Day
3 OCTRC and EC Open Day
14 OCTColumbus Day (Federal); Indigenous Peoples' Day (City of Cambridge)
25 OCTRC and EC Open Day
3 NOVWeekend Sprints (special on-campus academic programming, optional)
5 NOVRC and EC Open Day
11 NOVVeterans Day
27-29 NOVThanksgiving Recess
9-13 DEC; 16-17 DECRC Final Exams
6-12 DECEC Final Exams
21 DECWinter Recess Begins


9 JANMS/MBA: Engineering and MS/MBA: Biotechnology RC Spring begins
13 JANMS/MBA: Engineering and MS/MBA: Biotechnology EC Spring begins
20 JANMartin Luther King, Jr. Day
21-24 JANShort Intensive Programs (SIPs)
22 JANCross-Registration petitions accepted for EC Spring Term
27 JANRC and EC Spring Terms begin
10 FEBRC and EC Open Day
17 FEBPresidents' Day
1 MARWeekend Sprints (special on-campus academic programming, optional)
15-23 MARSpring Break
21 APRRC and EC Open Day
24-30 APREC Final Exams
29-30 APR; 5-9 MAYRC Final Exams
30 APRLast day of EC Spring Term
30 APR-2 MAYRequired EC Bridges
10-11 MAY; 20-21 MAYFGI Travel
12-19 MAYField Global Immersion (FGI)
21 MAYLast day of RC Spring Term
26 MAYMemorial Day
29 MAYHarvard University Commencement

Additional future commencement dates are available on the extended Harvard University calendar.

Note: Dates are subject to change.

MBA Resources

Elective Curriculum Course Catalog

Harvard University Course Catalog (my.harvard)