2.5 Disciplinary Outcomes & Sanctions


A warning is a reprimand to a student whose behavior has violated the rules or standards of conduct of the community. Warnings can be issued either verbally (informal) or in writing (formal) for minor offenses and are generally followed by a more significant sanction if a pattern develops. A warning becomes part of the student’s official record but is not considered a formal disciplinary action. Warnings are not noted on a student’s transcript or in letters of recommendation. Penalties may include:

  • Letter(s) of apology

  • Community service

  • Disqualification from honors and other forms of HBS recognition and support


Probation is a strong warning to a student whose conduct has given serious cause for concern. During the period of time that a student is on probation, any further instance of misconduct will cause the CRB to seriously consider suspension of the student. Students on probation must be especially conscientious about their behavior and responsibilities. The CRB may at its discretion restrict a student’s participation in extracurricular activities or attach additional requirements to probation. Students on probation may not receive a degree until they have been relieved of probation by the CRB. Probation is a formal disciplinary action of HBS and becomes part of the student’s official record. Probation may be temporarily or permanently recorded on a student’s transcript. Penalties may include:

  • Same as Warning (see above)

  • Limited loss of access to CPD services for recruiting violations

Suspension and Requirement to Withdraw

Suspension is an action taken in serious disciplinary cases indicating that the student’s behavior is unacceptable in this community. Suspensions can result in a range of restrictions and/or requirements, some of which are set forth below, up to and including mandatory withdrawal. Suspension is a formal disciplinary action of HBS and becomes part of the student’s official record. Suspension may be temporarily or permanently recorded on a transcript. Penalties may include:

  • Same as Probation (see above)

  • Community service and/or restitution to return/reestablish relationship with HBS

  • Prohibition from attending recruiting, social, and other HBS-sponsored events

  • Loss of elected leadership roles

  • Denial to participate in graduation

  • Mandatory withdrawal for a defined period and/or satisfaction of a defined set of criteria

Note that a student who has been suspended is not in good standing during the period of suspension, including without limitation during any period of mandatory withdrawal. Students who have been required to withdraw may not participate in any academic exercises or extracurricular activities. Students may not receive a degree until they have been readmitted to good standing in HBS.


Dismissal is action taken in serious disciplinary cases whereby a student’s connection with the School is ended by vote of the HBS faculty (a two-thirds majority of those present at a meeting or voting electronically); the action taken by the CRB is a vote of mandatory withdrawal with a recommendation to the HBS faculty that the student be dismissed. Dismissal does not necessarily preclude a student’s return, but readmission is granted rarely and only by an additional vote of the HBS faculty. A dismissed student will have a permanent transcript notation and is not in good standing until readmitted.


Expulsion is action taken in serious disciplinary cases whereby a student’s connection with the School is permanently ended by vote of the HBS faculty (a two-thirds majority of those present at a meeting or voting electronically); the action taken by the CRB is a vote of mandatory withdrawal with a recommendation to the HBS faculty that the student be expelled. It is the most extreme disciplinary action possible and signifies that the student is no longer welcome in the community. A student who is expelled will have a permanent transcript notation and can never be readmitted and restored to good standing.