1.4.5 Required Internship & Internship Courses

1.4 Academic Program Specifics

Summer Work Experience

HBS has long considered summer internships an important extension of the curriculum and a vital component of the two-year degree program – one that enhances learning and provides important practical experience. In recognition of the work students are already doing, a summer work experience is a requirement for MBA graduation.

General Requirements:

  • No minimum length.

  • Position may be either paid or unpaid (for international students who will work in the United States at a paid position, the student is required to apply for Curricular Practical Training (F-1 students) or Academic Training (J-1 students)).

  • The position must be confirmed in 12twenty.

It may not be feasible for every student to complete a summer work experience. Situations in which students will be permitted to waive this requirement include the following:

  • Medical reasons, including for mental health.

  • Birth or adoption of one’s own child.

  • Death or serious illness in the student's immediate family.

  • A court summons.

  • A military order.

To apply for a waiver due to these circumstances, contact the Registrar’s Office by the stated deadline.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

Curricular Practical Training is an employment option available to F-1 students in which employment is considered an integral part of the curriculum or academic program. According to immigration regulations, this employment may be an internship or any other work experience which is required by the academic program. CPT applications (login required) must be submitted to the Harvard International Office.

Practicum in Experiential Learning (PELT)

The Practicum in Experiential Learning is a course option that allows students to explore issues related to their part-time work experiences during either the EC Fall or Spring term. To participate in this option, students must be in good academic standing and the work must be relevant to their MBA degree work. The course carries 1.5 credits. Students who choose to participate in this practicum may not use this credit to apply to or to substitute for any other MBA degree credit. Students who participate in PELT will need 31.5 credits in their EC year to graduate. Enrolling in either the Spring or Fall practicum does not fulfill the Summer Work Experience requirement.

Students would be expected to work no more than an average of fifteen hours per week and to manage the work in a manner that would in no way impact or conflict with their classes. All PELT applications (login required) must be submitted at least one week before the proposed start date in the offer letter to allow for Harvard International Office approval.

Practicum in Experiential Learning in January (PELJ)

The Practicum in Experiential Learning in January is like PELT described above, but available to students exploring issues related to their work experiences during the January term. Enrolling in the Practicum in Experiential Learning in January (login required) does not fulfill the Summer Work Experience requirement.

HBS January Practicum (HBSJP)

The HBS January Practicum (HBSJP) is a 0.5 credit course that adds an academic component to an unpaid internship experience. Students who choose to participate in this practicum may not use this credit to apply to or to substitute for any other MBA degree credit. Students who participate in HBSJP will need 30.5 credits in their EC year to graduate. During HBSJP, students work with an HBS faculty member on a topic related to their internship. Enrolling in the HBS January Practicum (login required) does not fulfill the Summer Work Experience requirement.