Student Handbook

The Harvard Business School (HBS) MBA Student Handbook provides incoming and current MBA students the information necessary to successfully participate in the program. The Student Handbook also provides answers to many questions students have about academic and student life at HBS.

It is every student’s responsibility to be aware of, and compliant with, the policies of Harvard Business School and Harvard University. Students should become familiar with the material pertaining to their degree program and, together with their advisors, make certain that their chosen program of study complies with all policies. Although we have attempted to include most of the regulations governing graduate academic programs, some programs have additional requirements and regulations of their own. Students also should become familiar with the academic policies relevant to their individual program.

Harvard Business School reserves the right to make changes to the Student Handbook at any time without advance notice. These changes may affect such matters as tuition and other fees, degrees and programs offered (including the modification or possible elimination of degrees and programs), degree and other academic requirements, academic policies, rules pertaining to student conduct and discipline, fields or areas of concentration, and other rules and regulations applicable to students.

In addition, Harvard Business School retains the discretion to act as it deems necessary in extraordinary circumstances to protect the health and safety of the Harvard community. For these purposes “extraordinary circumstances” include, but are not limited to, public health emergencies, extreme weather events, and other conditions posing broad threats to community health and safety or significantly disrupting campus life or learning. Supporting the health, safety, and well-being of every member of the community is Harvard Business School’s highest priority.

Discretionary measures available to Harvard Business School may include, but are not limited to, making recourse to remote or hybrid instruction; suspending or limiting access to University-provided residential housing; limiting its provision of or access to certain activities and services, introducing or modifying vaccination, mask, and physical distancing mandates; and implementing compulsory testing and tracing programs as required conditions for accessing the Harvard campus or Harvard facilities.

For any comments or questions about the information found within the MBA Student Handbook, please contact MBA Student & Academic Services (

Handbook Last Updated
July 22, 2024