Round 2 Interview Invitations 2024

Direct from the Director Blog

A big thank you to all of you who applied in Round 2. We have loved reading your stories and hearing about the ways in which you are making a difference in the lives of those around you. We have been so impressed and inspired by your journeys.

Next week, on Wednesday, January 31 at 12:00pm (noon) Eastern Time, everyone who applied in Round 2—or received a “Further Consideration” decision in Round 1—will receive an update via the Application Status page.

There are two possibilities:

Invite to Interview – Congratulations, you are moving forward in our application process. You will receive additional information regarding the interview process on January 31; you will then be able to start signing up for an interview slot on Thursday, February 1. We are offering both in-person and Zoom interviews from February 9th – March 1st.

Early Release – While we enjoyed getting to know you, we are not able to move you forward in the application process. But please remember, we are very reapplicant friendly and 10% of our class are reapplicants.

Thanks again for all the time and effort you put into your applications—we’re grateful for your interest in HBS!

The views and opinions expressed in the MBA Voices blog are those of the authors. Any political views shared by students are their own; HBS does not endorse a particular party or candidate.