How did you choose a career in entertainment?
I have always been passionate about film, television, and the way that we connect and empathize with one another through culture, the arts, and storytelling. I knew that I wanted to help further this sense of connection and to find a way to help advocate for artists’ stories to come to reality. After Yale, I started in the mailroom at William Morris Endeavor (WME) in Beverly Hills. I spent the last five years at WME, working my way up to talent agent. As an agent, I represented and advocated for artists in the television and film space.
Why did you decide an MBA was the next step for you?
I spent a solid amount of time building a real foundation and taking on new responsibilities at WME while witnessing a lot of change on an industry level. After such an incredible experience growing within the company, I wanted to pursue an MBA to continue challenging myself. I want to be equipped for further responsibilities to create an impact on the arts and entertainment as the industry evolves. An MBA presented an incredible opportunity for me to take risks, grow and explore while developing my skillset to make me a better business leader. After recognizing that I wanted an intellectual and personal experience, I was particularly drawn to HBS since it’s such an immersive program that would certainly push my boundaries.
What have you learned in the classroom so far?
The first semester of the RC (first year) was focused on building our academic fundamentals while putting them to work through case discussion. I wanted to learn through the case method because it uniquely places us in a setting to exchange ideas and debate the various options that a leader could make in an inflection point. What better way to learn than stepping into the shoes of a case protagonist! Our discussions are illuminating given the breadth of industry and international perspectives exchanged in class. This conversation manifests beyond the classroom as 80 minutes never seems long enough!
I was also delighted to be able to dive into some of HBS’s experiential learning experiences by taking the Short Intensive Program (SIP), Personal Branding and Business Storytelling, taught by Francesca Gino. I had previously read her book, Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life, so it was thrilling to have her teach and workshop with us on writing our own stories. I am learning from Professor Gino again this semester in the new RC class, Inclusive Leadership, which she is teaching with Professor Frances Frei. Gaining such a range of academic experiences is what has made HBS such a special place to me.
How have you found community?
Before school, I was involved with other young contemporary art lovers through the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) and hoped to find the same connection here at HBS. I was thrilled to find such a community here through the Art Society. A real highlight for me was the club trek to Miami for Art Basel in December during which prolific art entrepreneur—and case protagonist!—Jeffrey Deitch (HBS MBA 1978) gave us a personally guided tour of the fair. Additionally, through co-chairing this year’s Entertainment & Media Conference, I have been able to connect with classmates in the RC (first year) and EC (second year) who share a passion for film or may be pursuing careers in the industry. Our annual conference will bring the greater Harvard community—students, faculty, and alumni—together with industry leaders on March 6th!
What advice would you give someone in entertainment or media considering applying to HBS?
One of the things that makes HBS so incredible is that it is a place that celebrates diversity of thought and experience both in and out of the classroom. I would encourage anyone who has a media background (or really any background) to apply. As I mentioned, I feel the purpose of the HBS case method is to learn how to understand a vast range of problems and how to draw from different perspectives to find solutions. While it can seem daunting to think about applying, just remember: the community is present, and your background will be celebrated. There is truly room for everyone at the table.