15 Jan 2020
Round 2 next steps
To those of you who submitted a Round 2 application, thank you. I remember how busy it felt applying to business school while balancing work. I hope you’ve had a chance to rest and relax a bit since you hit submit!
On our end, we are a week into reading your applications and have been enjoying getting to know you better. Here are the next steps in the process, so you know when you’ll hear from us again:
- Tuesday, February 4, at 12 p.m. eastern time: all Round 2 applications will either be invited to interview or released from the process.
- Wednesday, February 5th at 10 a.m. eastern time: those invited to interview can sign up for a day/time. We will offer interviews in cities around the world, via Skype, and on campus.
So you still have a few more weeks of waiting as we read, review, and reread your applications. Hopefully knowing the day/time will help keep your mind off of it, as I know the waiting can be hard. Thanks for sticking with us.