Data Entry Guidelines
* Required fields
Kaltura Default Fields
Name * The display title for the video. This will appear next to the video thumbnail.
Description *
A short description of the contents of the video. This description serves as the video caption, and will appear next to the video thumbnail. Caption details should follow AP (Associated Press) style, and include concise information as to the "who, what, where, when and why" of the video:
1. Who and what are in the video?
-For HBS faculty, include the faculty members' titles (e.g., Professor Lynda M. Applegate; Associate Professor Juan Alcacer; etc.)
-For HBS students and alumni, include their degrees and classes after their names (e.g., John Smith, MBA 2015; Jane F. Jones, PMD 40 1980; etc.)
2. Where is the action taking place?
-For geographic locations, use city and state or city and country (e.g., Boston, Mass.; Frankfurt, Germany; etc.).
3. When is the action taking place?
-Be as specific as possible, including day of the week, date and year (e.g., Monday, August 12, 2013).
4. Why are the circumstances significant or relevant?
For more information on AP style, see this website.
Tags Add any keywords or keyword phrases that describe the video, to help make the video findable.
Categories * Include here any and all categories that apply to the video. Categories include: -Topics covered by this video -HBS Faculty Members who appear in the video -HBS Websites that the video is a part of -Commissioning Sources (HBS group or groups that commissioned the video). Note: this field is controlled, and only valid values are accepted. To browse the lists of available terms, click on the pencil icon next to the "Categories" label to view categories and lists. If you would like to request that a new value be added to one of the lists, please send email to and to

Reference ID Leave Empty.
HBS Required Fields
File Name * The HBS filename (e.g., yyyymmdd_keyword - yyyymmdd indicating the date the file was created)
Display Status * Public (available on the external web) / Private (hidden from the external web)
Lifecycle Status * Active / Archived
Date Created * The date that a video was produced/created.
Copyright statement * Default to standard statement: President & Fellows of Harvard College.
Language * Default to value, English.
HBS Fields Required if Applicable
Video Location URL The URLs for pages where this video appears on the HBS External web.
Audience For M&C use, for capturing Audience segments for whom the video might be appropriate (for example, Practitioner, HBS Community, Alumni, etc.).
HBS staff appearing in video Names of staff members who appear in a video. Names should be entered as follows: Last name, First name + Middle Name or Initial (examples: Smith, Jane; Smith, Jane D.; Smith, Jane Doe).
HBS students and alumni appearing in video Names of students and/or alumni who appear in a video. Names should be entered as follows: Last name, First name + Middle Name or Initial (examples: Smith, Jane; Smith, Jane D.; Smith, Jane Doe).
Other persons appearing in video Names of other people who appear in videos. Names should be entered as follows: Last name, First name + Middle Name or Initial (examples: Smith, Jane; Smith, Jane D.; Smith, Jane Doe).
HBS Event name HBS event featured in the video. If you would like to request that a new value be added to this list, please send email to and to
Other event name Other event featured in the video.
Event location--HBS campus HBS campus building or facility. This list has been copied from the Operations website. If you would like to request that a new value be added to this list, please send email to and to
Event location--non-HBS City + State or City + Country. For example: London, England; Los Angeles, California; etc.
Event date Month, day and year that the videoed event took place.
Producer Names should be entered as follows: Last name, First name + Middle Name or Initial (examples: Smith, Jane; Smith, Jane D.; Smith, Jane Doe).
Videographer Names should be entered as follows: Last name, First name + Middle Name or Initial (examples: Smith, Jane; Smith, Jane D.; Smith, Jane Doe).
Editor Names should be entered as follows: Last name, First name + Middle Name or Initial (examples: Smith, Jane; Smith, Jane D.; Smith, Jane Doe).
Project Manager Names should be entered as follows: Last name, First name + Middle Name or Initial(examples: Smith, Jane; Smith, Jane D.; Smith, Jane Doe).
Production Assistant Names should be entered as follows: Last name, First name + Middle Name or Initial (examples: Smith, Jane; Smith, Jane D.; Smith, Jane Doe).
Youtube ID If this video is on youtube, provide the ID (e.g., V9GKu3_nca4).
HBS Legacy Video ID If the video has an old, video catalog ID, enter it here.
Clipped from ID If the video is a clip from a longer video, enter the ID of the parent video.