Great American Business Leaders of the 20th Century
William A. Fairburn
Diamond Match Company
Diamond Match Company
- Industry: Fabricated Goods
- Era: 1910
Fairburn revolutionized U.S. match manufacturing by using sesquisulphate to produce matches rather than white phosphorus, which had been publicly condemned for leading to poisoning. Under Fairburn, Diamond Match controlled 90% of domestic match production and was closely allied with its British and European counterparts. In 1915, 100% of Diamond Match’s profits came from match sales. Fairburn diversified the company so that by 1940 only 50% of Diamond Match’s revenues came from match sales.
- Born-Died: 1876–1947
- Birthplace: England
- Race: White
- Gender: Male
- Father: Laborer, Skilled
Education / Military
- Undergraduate: University of Glasgow