Harvard Business School (HBS) IT is a consultative technology partner that helps the School’s world-class faculty conduct path-breaking research, envision and execute new learning experiences, and leverage powerful tools that allow learners to connect, collaborate, and engage in exciting new ways.

How can HBS IT help you make a difference?
We’re here to help you identify and implement flexible and easy-to-use tools that empower you to teach, learn, and work more effectively every day. To get help, email us at mbaithelp@hbs.edu.
Getting Started
Information for community members who are setting up new accounts at HBS.
Daily Work
Resources that enable you to be productive both on and off campus.
Teaching & Learning
Applications and technology products to bring teaching and learning experiences to life.
Learning Community
Applications and technology products that support your research.
Tools to help keep the HBS community connected.
Meeting & Event Planning
Resources for coordinating meeting spaces and catering.