Featured Case

Tulsa Massacre

This multimedia case tells the story of “Black Wall Street” in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the 1921 massacre that destroyed 35 square blocks, left 10,000 homeless, and resulted in the murder of as many as 300 Black Tulsa residents. The case combines historic images with commentary from Regina Goodwin, an Oklahoma state representative and a descendant of massacre survivors, to recount the vibrancy of Tulsa’s Black Wall Street, revisit the atrocities of May 31 and June 1, 1921, and explore how historic social injustices might be addressed.

Mihir A. Desai & Ruth Page with a silver Telly Award

The Tulsa Massacre Case was honored with a silver Telly Award.

Survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre and their descendants believe the injustices should be addressed through reparations and have pushed the government of Tulsa to pay reparations for the massacre. The case guides students to consider the specific issue of reparations for the Tulsa Massacre, the idea of reparations generally, and the use of reparations to respond to the effects of slavery and racist governmental policies around the world.

My grandest ambition is that this multimedia case becomes the way the Tulsa Massacre is taught everywhere in the world.

Headshot of Mihir A. Desai
Mihir A. Desai; Mizuho Financial Group Professor of Finance

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