Best Practices
Help keep information and devices more secure.
We all wear seatbelts in cars, wash our hands before leaving the bathroom or preparing food, and lock the doors to our homes when we leave. These are simple actions which keep us safe and healthy.
Likewise, security awareness should be about taking simple actions which keep us safe and healthy when using the Internet. Small changes like these will not only help you protect Harvard’s information but will help you protect yourself and your family.
The following are considered best practices that will help you improve your security posture.
Why would someone attack me?
It’s easy to think that you might be safe because an attacker has nothing to gain by coming after you specifically.
And you’re not wrong: No one is coming specifically after you. Bad actors cast wide nets hoping they will catch something that will eventually lead them to something bigger.
So they target large groups of people all at once. You could be part of one of these groups, which include:
People who work at a specific organization
People who have a specific phone or OS version
Everyone who might have an account with a social media platform (like Facebook or Gmail)
Anyone who might have used a popular service (like Amazon, PayPal, Netflix, or the U.S. Post Office).
Other Resources
The National Cyber Security Alliance hosts tools and advice on how to protect yourself and your family.