Health Supplement
Health Supplement
Robert S. Huckman, Professor of Technology and Operations Management, serves as the Faculty Chair of the HBS Health Care Initiative and the Chair of the MBA Required Curriculum. He describes the Health Care Initiative as “an ideal opportunity for students, faculty, and alumni to build a vibrant and diverse community knit together by a shared interest in improving the health care system.” [...]
The Physician Shadow Program, sponsored by the HBS Health Care Initiative (HCI), is a unique opportunity for students to witness a day in a doctor’s life first-hand. With the close proximity of Boston’s world-class hospitals, the HCI has forged relationships with many physicians who volunteer for the program. Participating students report having the opportunity to observe doctors’ intakes with patients, ER rounds and surgical procedures, as well as various medical interventions. [...]
When I was accepted into Harvard Business School’s executive education course, Managing Health Care Delivery (MHCD), I didn’t anticipate the significance of the connections I was about to make with my classmates. The MHCD program is held on the HBS campus for three one-week intervals over the course of a year: fall, spring, and summer. I believe spending that time immersed in the Case Method educational model and engaged in meaningful team work helped create profound professional and personal bonds for all of us. Before the end of the second module many of us knew we wanted to continue our learning experience; we decided to begin organizing our own MHCD reunion. Our first reunion was organized in South East Asia so that we could catch up with fellow participants and tour some innovative care delivery models. [...]
In the HBS Health Care Initiative, we are constantly impressed by the impact alumni have in health care. When we have the opportunity to meet up with an alum at an industry conference or educational panel, we enjoy learning more about what motivates them. We try to uncover a bit about why they do what they do, what they got out of HBS, and what advice they may have for current and future students.
Recently, I had the chance to sit down with Lindsay Jurist-Rosner, MBA 2009. She is the CEO of Wellthy which is a company that takes a concierge approach to care management when working with the sick and elderly. Lindsay shared the following insight: [...]
Twelve HBS faculty toured hospitals and health care organizations around the Boston area as part of a day-long excursion. Dubbed “Health Care Delivery in Boston: Fostering Innovation in a Cost-Constrained Environment”, the excursion was sponsored by the Division of Research & Faculty Development (DRFD) and led by Health Care Initiative Faculty Chair Rob Huckman and Director Cara Sterling. “Given that we have so many industry leaders and innovators right here in Boston,” Huckman explained, “We wanted to connect some of them with our faculty, tour their operations, and spur insightful conversations.” [...]
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