Health Supplement
Health Supplement
One of the best aspects of Harvard Business School is its proximity to the country’s best hospitals, academic centers, and culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. The Health Care Initiative regularly connects with local organizations through our Harvard partner relationships and our robust alumni network to create rich learning experiences for our students. Recently, we sponsored a tour of the Boston Medical Center which is the largest safety-net hospital in New England with the busiest trauma and emergency services center. With many of our students interested in improving care delivery, this was a great opportunity for them to catch a glimpse of the front lines of health care in action as well witness some of the behind-the-scenes flow of hospital operations. [...]
One of the reasons why prospective students interested in health care should consider Harvard Business School (HBS) is its amazing location. The Greater Boston area is full of companies, hospitals and universities focused on health care, technology and science. And, with the final beams of the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) going up on Western Ave, across the street from HBS, the concept of the Allston “Innovation Corridor” is visibly well underway. [...]