News & Highlights

  • JUNE 2024

Alumni Event with HBS Club of Brazil

The HBS Club of Brazil hosted a dedicated event for search funds in June 2024. Gustavo Vaz (MBA 2018), Marcos Noll Barboza (GMP), and Paulo Molinari (MBA 2020) talked about this innovative investment vehicle that enables investor groups to back entrepreneurs (searchers) looking to identify and acquire privately held companies. Searchers' primary goal is to find promising businesses—typically in the lower middle market—and take over its operational leadership.
  • April 2024
  • Article

Laura Catena Ascends to the Summit of the Burgeoning Wine Industry

In Latin America, female entrepreneurs are making a profound impact on economic growth and development. While much of this momentum comes from small enterprises, there are inspiring stories of women who succeed at the highest levels of business. Such is the case of Laura Catena, a graduate of Harvard University. Laura serves as the managing director of Bodega Catena Zapata, a world-renowned family-owned winery started by her great-grandfather. She also owns Luca Wines, further proving her leadership and entrepreneurial spirit in Argentina's wine industry. Her journey exemplifies how women are driving innovation and prosperity across the region.
  • APRIL 2024

Alumni Event with HBS Monterrey Club

In April, Professor Christina Wing delivered a presentation on “Difficult Conversations” to the HBS Monterrey Club, accompanied by a gathering of local alumni and community members. Professor Wing, renowned for her expertise in family business, facilitated a dynamic discussion with the group. The conversation centered on cultivating trust and rapport in challenging scenarios, mastering effective communication with various stakeholders, fostering empathy, and transforming conflict into constructive dialogue. Attendees were encouraged to contemplate the timing, method, and significance of engaging in difficult conversations, emphasizing the value of aligning visions and seeking compromise.
  • NOVEMBER 2023

BiGS Event in Latin America

Established in 2022 to help and harness business to address society’s issues, BiGS hosted its first international event in São Paulo, Brazil, in November 2023, with about 70 Latin American business leaders, entrepreneurs, NGO executives, and public sector leaders in attendance. Under the title, “Democratizing Development: How Business can Create Wealth for All,” the invite-only event contributed to advancing BiGS' mission to leverage the power of the private sector and international markets to find solutions to social problems. Participants highlighted business’ capacity to address societal challenges, showcasing accomplishments such as innovating new business models tailored to serve disadvantaged communities, channeling investments into underserved regions, and prioritizing workforce education initiatives. BiGS’ event also facilitated networking among like-minded leaders, fostering sustained collaboration and an ongoing exchange of ideas.
  • November 2023

Alumni Event with HBS Club of Brazil

LARC and the HBS Club of Brazil jointly organized an exclusive event with Professor Michael Chu in São Paulo in November. During the session "Income Inequality in our Region: A Dialog on What to Do About it," Prof. Chu engaged with alumni, leading a group discussion highlighting the importance of addressing inequality. He emphasized that it is not only a moral imperative but also crucial for fostering economic growth, social stability, and sustainable development. Prof. Chu highlighted that by addressing the root causes of inequality and promoting inclusive policies, societies can create environments where individuals have better opportunities to thrive, contributing to the well-being of the entire community.

New Research on the Region

  • 2025
  • Book Chapter

Sustainability and Green Business in Latin America

This chapter argues that since the nineteenth century capitalism has created much wealth, but at the cost of massive ecological destruction, which has been particularly severe in Latin America. During the first global economy before 1929, considerable wealth was created from the exploitation of natural resources for primarily the land-owning elite in Latin America, at the cost of large-scale destruction of the natural environment. During the so-called Great Reversal between 1929 and 1979, strategies to catch up resulted in the proliferation of hydro-electric schemes which caused further environmental damage co-created by business and governments. As globalization resumed from the 1980s, renewed economic growth and consumerism resulted in mountains of waste in increasingly polluted cities. However ecological horror stories also created opportunities for a cohort of green businesses across sectors ranging from beauty and health to eco-tourism.

  • December 2024
  • Case – Charting the Course of its Future

By: Juan Alcacer, Jorge Tirado and Thomas Occhipinti

  • December 2024 (Revised January 2025)
  • Case

Balancing Returns and Responsibilities at Raya Partners

By: Arthur Segel, Ephraim Mernick, Derek C. M. van Bever and Olivia Barba

Raya Partners, a private equity firm, faces a crucial decision regarding Asa Specialty Coatings Company (ASCC). The dilemma involves shifting ASCC's manufacturing operations to Mexico, a move that would boost profitability and reduce emissions but result in significant layoffs in Vermont, impacting employees and the local community. Adrienne, Raya Partners' Chief Investment Officer, grapples with balancing financial gains, social responsibilities, and environmental considerations. The decision also tests Raya Partners' commitment to its ESG policy. Adrienne must devise a transparent communication strategy, explore fair severance packages, and consider ways to alleviate the financial burden. Ultimately, the choice made will define Raya Partners' values and shape ASCC's future.

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Montevideo Staff

Fernanda Miguel
Christopher P. Torto Executive Director
Mariana Cal
Associate Director, Research
Jenyfeer Martínez Buitrago
Senior Researcher
Maria Martha Ruiz Melo
Office Manager
Karina Souza
Senior Researcher

Mexico City Staff

Carla Larangeira
Senior Researcher

São Paulo Staff

Patricia Thome
Assistant Director, Educational Programs
Pedro Levindo
Senior Researcher