America on the Move: Transportation and Infrastructure for the 21st Century
America on the Move: Transportation and Infrastructure for the 21st Century
Moving people, goods, and information -- the circulatory system of a nation. Is America's system ailing? How do we rejuvenate it?
FACT: The U.S. ranks #5 in world in economic competitiveness due to innovation strength, but lags in infrastructure, ranking #19 in overall infrastructure quality. Although the U.S. is #1 in available airline seats, it is #95 in mobile telephone subscriptions per 100 population. --- World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report, 2013-2014
FACT: The U.S. received a D+ on the 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure with an estimated $3.6 trillion investment needed by 2020. --- American Society of Civil Engineers
It's time to REPAIR, RENEW, and REINVENT.
The "America on the Move" Summit will engage CEOs and top leaders across sectors in dialogue to prioritize:
- PPBs (pain points and bottlenecks) that can be removed
- Innovations that can be applied -- vehicles, connections, finance, technology
- Opportunities for leaders to act -- private, public, local, regional, national
Chaired by HBS Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter and informed by new research on industry change and cutting edge projects, "America on the Move" will listen to providers and users to find smart solutions -- getting people to work, goods to where they're needed, information circulating, communities connecting, economies developing... safely, efficiently, conveniently, sustainably.
Click the links for Summit information and registration. Add your views to a brief online poll.
As of 9/12/13, in progress