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- Faculty Publications (6)
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- Faculty Publications (6)
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- January 2023 (Revised April 2024)
- Case
First to Fight? Culture, Tradition, and the United States Marine Corps (USMC)
By: Ranjay Gulati, Akhil Iyer and Joel Malkin
Over a history of more than 240 years, the United States Marine Corps has forged a distinct culture and institutional identity centered on its “warrior ethos.” In the wars of American history, Marines fought with uncommon valor, rising to international prominence for... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Transformation; Talent and Talent Management; Government Administration; Management Practices and Processes; Management Systems; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Performance Effectiveness; United States
Gulati, Ranjay, Akhil Iyer, and Joel Malkin. "First to Fight? Culture, Tradition, and the United States Marine Corps (USMC)." Harvard Business School Case 423-051, January 2023. (Revised April 2024.)
- 2015
- Case
Advanced Leadership Pathways: Paul Lee and Asian Americans Advancing Justice
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Frank Jerome LaNasa and Ai-Ling Jamila Malone
Paul Lee and Asian Americans Advancing Justice
2013 AL Fellow, 2014 Senior AL Fellow
Two years after the formation of the Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ), a national affiliation of four independent Asian American civil rights groups, Paul Lee, who... View Details
Two years after the formation of the Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ), a national affiliation of four independent Asian American civil rights groups, Paul Lee, who... View Details
Keywords: Leadership Skills; Asian; Asian Americans; Asian Americans Advancing Justice; Civil Rights; Asian Law Caucus; Asian Pacific American Legal Center; Asian American Institute; Asian American Justice Center; Immigration Issues; Immigration Reform; Affirmative Action; Coalition; Asian American Activism; Japanese; Chinese; Korean; Indian; Pakistani; Hmong; Cambodian; Laotians; Filipino; Vietnamese; Pacific Islanders; Ethnic Group; Model Minority; Anti-asian Prejudice; Pan-asian; Discrimination; Immigrants; Immigration Acts; Alien Land Laws; Sei Fujii; Naturalize; Interracial; Immigration And Nationality Act Of 1965; Refugees; War; Warfare; Vincent Chin; Bigotry; Chinatown; Boston; Social Impact; Asian American Lawyers Association; National Asian Pacific Bar Association; Asian Community Development Corporation; Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence; Southeast Asia; Mee Moua; Change Management; Demographics; Prejudice and Bias; Rights; Immigration; Leadership; Problems and Challenges; Society; North and Central America
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, Frank Jerome LaNasa, and Ai-Ling Jamila Malone. "Advanced Leadership Pathways: Paul Lee and Asian Americans Advancing Justice." Harvard Business Publishing Case 316-040, 2015. (Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative.)
- January 2013
- Article
The Fog of Negotiation: What Negotiators Can Learn from Military Doctrine
On the surface, warfare and negotiation may seem to be polar opposites. The objective in war is to defeat the enemy. In negotiation, the goal is to find a solution that satisfies all the parties. Not surprisingly, little cross-learning and exchange has occurred across... View Details
Wheeler, Michael A. "The Fog of Negotiation: What Negotiators Can Learn from Military Doctrine." Negotiation Journal 29, no. 1 (January 2013): 23–38.
- January 2002 (Revised April 2015)
- Background Note
A Note on Maneuvering in War and Negotiation
By: Michael Wheeler and Gillian Morris
Military metaphors are commonplace in business writing about strategy, but they are rarely used in the negotiation literature. This case takes the Marine Corps philosophy of warfighting and compares it with the tactics and techniques of effective negotiators. Some of... View Details
Wheeler, Michael, and Gillian Morris. "A Note on Maneuvering in War and Negotiation." Harvard Business School Background Note 902-157, January 2002. (Revised April 2015.)
- March 1994 (Revised March 2000)
- Case
Cola Wars Continue: Coke vs. Pepsi in the 1990s
By: David B. Yoffie and Sharon Foley
The competition between Coke and Pepsi is a classic corporate battle that began in America at the turn of the century and has expanded into worldwide competitive warfare in the 1990s. This case examines the economics of the soft drink and bottling industries, and... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; Organizational Culture; Competition; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Food and Beverage Industry; North and Central America
Yoffie, David B., and Sharon Foley. "Cola Wars Continue: Coke vs. Pepsi in the 1990s." Harvard Business School Case 794-055, March 1994. (Revised March 2000.)
- January 1980 (Revised August 1986)
- Case
General Electric vs. Westinghouse in Large Turbine Generators (A)
Describes the U.S. large turbine generator industry in early 1963, a period of severe price cutting and depressed industry conditions. Presents data to allow a structural analysis of the industry and an analysis of the strategies of the major players since 1946. The... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Customer Focus and Relationships; Machinery and Machining; Cost Management; Price; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Marketing Strategy; Industry Structures; Competition; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Porter, Michael E. "General Electric vs. Westinghouse in Large Turbine Generators (A)." Harvard Business School Case 380-128, January 1980. (Revised August 1986.)