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- Faculty Publications (16)
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- October 2023 (Revised January 2024)
- Case
McDonald's Board of Directors (A)
By: Lynn S. Paine and Will Hurwitz
In October 2019, the McDonald’s Corporation board of directors, chaired by Enrique Hernandez, Jr., gathered to learn the results of their outside counsel’s investigation into the conduct of the CEO. On the surface, the iconic fast-food chain was thriving as growing... View Details
Keywords: Board Of Directors; Board Chair; Board Decisions; Business Ethics; Corporate Boards; Fast Food; Franchising; Legal Aspects Of Business; Legal Battle; Legal Settlement; Misconduct; Regulation; Reorganization; Restaurant Industry; Sexual Harassment; Shareholders; Stakeholder Management; Strategy And Execution; Turnaround; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Governance; Culture; Executive Compensation; Leadership; Management; Ethics; Governing and Advisory Boards; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Food and Beverage Industry; Illinois; United States
Paine, Lynn S., and Will Hurwitz. "McDonald's Board of Directors (A)." Harvard Business School Case 324-044, October 2023. (Revised January 2024.)
- July 2022 (Revised January 2025)
- Case
Call of Fiduciary Duty: Microsoft Acquires Activision Blizzard
By: Jonas Heese, Joseph Pacelli and James Barnett
In January 2022, Microsoft announces its acquisition of the video game company Activision Blizzard, in a deal valued at $68.7 billion, which would make Microsoft the world’s third largest video game company. The deal came as Activision Blizzard faced gender pay... View Details
Keywords: Accounting; Goodwill Accounting; Analysis; Decision Making; Talent and Talent Management; Games, Gaming, and Gambling; Ethics; Leadership; Risk and Uncertainty; Mergers and Acquisitions; Lawsuits and Litigation; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Video Game Industry; North America; California
Heese, Jonas, Joseph Pacelli, and James Barnett. "Call of Fiduciary Duty: Microsoft Acquires Activision Blizzard." Harvard Business School Case 123-011, July 2022. (Revised January 2025.)
- January 2022 (Revised January 2023)
- Technical Note
Legal Analysis: Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace
By: J.S. Nelson and Trevor Fetter
This background piece describes the spectrum of sexual misconduct, from sexual assault through sexual harassment to gender discrimination. It outlines the patterns involved in this behavior, the legal process for reporting it, and its prevalence both domestically and... View Details
Nelson, J.S., and Trevor Fetter. "Legal Analysis: Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace." Harvard Business School Technical Note 322-085, January 2022. (Revised January 2023.)
- December 2019 (Revised February 2024)
- Case
Karin Vinik at South Lake Hospital (A)
By: Joseph L. Badaracco and Kim B. Clark
A newly appointed hospital CEO must decide how aggressively she should pursue a sexual harassment accusation against a long-time senior hospital executive, who was also a rival for the CEO position. View Details
Badaracco, Joseph L., and Kim B. Clark. "Karin Vinik at South Lake Hospital (A)." Harvard Business School Case 320-071, December 2019. (Revised February 2024.)
- November 2019
- Case
The Boss Has the Wrong Idea: Confidential Role Material for Julia Smith
By: Katherine Coffman, Kathleen McGinn, Judith A. Clair and Katherine Chen
“The Boss Has the Wrong Idea” is a two-person conversation exercise in which an MBA student seeks advice from a mentor in her field about how to handle an incident of workplace sexual harassment. The case consists of two confidential role materials: a role for the... View Details
Coffman, Katherine, Kathleen McGinn, Judith A. Clair, and Katherine Chen. "The Boss Has the Wrong Idea: Confidential Role Material for Julia Smith." Harvard Business School Case 920-023, November 2019.
- November 2019
- Case
The Boss Has the Wrong Idea: Confidential Role Material for Lee Clancy
By: Katherine Coffman, Kathleen McGinn, Judith A. Clair and Katherine Chen
“The Boss Has the Wrong Idea” is a two-person conversation exercise in which an MBA student seeks advice from a mentor in her field about how to handle an incident of workplace sexual harassment. The case consists of two confidential role materials: a role for the... View Details
Coffman, Katherine, Kathleen McGinn, Judith A. Clair, and Katherine Chen. "The Boss Has the Wrong Idea: Confidential Role Material for Lee Clancy." Harvard Business School Case 920-024, November 2019.
- Article
Why Sexual Harassment Persists and What Organizations Can Do to Stop It
By: Colleen Ammerman and Boris Groysberg
Long before the #MeToo movement, the insidious effects of harassment were well known to organizational researchers. Women who are harassed often leave their jobs, taking valuable relationships, and potential out the door with them and creating the costly need to hire... View Details
Keywords: Work Environment; Sexual Harassment; Harassment; Organizational Culture; Gender; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Leading Change
Ammerman, Colleen, and Boris Groysberg. "Why Sexual Harassment Persists and What Organizations Can Do to Stop It." Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (December 21, 2017).
- October 31, 2017
- Article
In Tackling #MeToo, Don’t Ignore Micro-Insults That Harm Women’s Careers
The Harvey Weinstein horror show has brought attention to previously unspoken abuses of male power to sexually harass and suppress women. Prominent women are joining the #MeToo moment, feeling safety in numbers as they reveal facing egregious bullying. Businesses are... View Details
Keywords: Sexual Harassment; Gender Inequality; Gender; Equality and Inequality; Change; Safety; Corporate Governance
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. "In Tackling #MeToo, Don’t Ignore Micro-Insults That Harm Women’s Careers." Harvard Business School Working Knowledge (October 31, 2017). (Op-ed.)
- February 2008 (Revised August 2008)
- Background Note
Note on the Law of Sexual Harassment
By: Lynn Sharp Paine and Lara Adamsons
This note provides an introduction to the law of sexual harassment. It has three parts. Part One describes the laws on harassment in the United States. Part Two explores controversial and emerging aspects of the American legal framework. Part Three gives a brief... View Details
Keywords: Social Issues; Laws and Statutes; Policy; Gender; Asia; Latin America; United States; Europe
Paine, Lynn Sharp, and Lara Adamsons. "Note on the Law of Sexual Harassment." Harvard Business School Background Note 308-096, February 2008. (Revised August 2008.)
- November 2007
- Supplement
Differences at Work: Allie (B)
By: Sandra J. Sucher and Rachel Gordon
In Differences at Work: Allie (B) HBS Case No. 9-408-055 Allie and her colleague initially refuse to go but when her boss makes a scene they reluctantly agree to accompany him to the beach despite his inappropriate behavior. Later back at company headquarters they tell... View Details
Sucher, Sandra J., and Rachel Gordon. "Differences at Work: Allie (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 408-055, November 2007.
- November 2007
- Supplement
Differences at Work: Allie (C)
By: Sandra J. Sucher and Rachel Gordon
In Differences at Work: (C) HBS Case No. 9-408-056 Allie decides not to pursue a sexual harassment charge and instead remedies the situation by transferring to the marketing division in her company. She reflects on how powerless the situation made her feel and how it... View Details
Sucher, Sandra J., and Rachel Gordon. "Differences at Work: Allie (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 408-056, November 2007.
- November 2001
- Background Note
Sexual Harassment Law and Policy
By: Michael A. Wheeler, Georgia Levenson and Arturo Corso
Outlines the recent development of legal principles regarding sexual harassment, including procedures in the United States and state courts, what circumstances constitute harassment, the resolution of these conflicts and the resulting consequences for the individuals... View Details
Keywords: Crime and Corruption; Policy; Working Conditions; Code Law; Outcome or Result; Conflict and Resolution; United States
Wheeler, Michael A., Georgia Levenson, and Arturo Corso. "Sexual Harassment Law and Policy." Harvard Business School Background Note 902-007, November 2001.
- March 2001 (Revised April 2002)
- Case
Ginzel et al v. Kolcraft Enterprises et al (A)
Examines the wrongful death lawsuit brought by the family of an infant who died after a portable crib collapsed. The manufacturer, Kolcraft, licensed the Playskool brand name from the co-defendant, Hasbro Industries. Raises difficult questions about what the two... View Details
Keywords: Safety; Product; Negotiation; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Lawsuits and Litigation; Legal Liability; Brands and Branding; Consumer Products Industry; United States
Wheeler, Michael A. "Ginzel et al v. Kolcraft Enterprises et al (A)." Harvard Business School Case 801-059, March 2001. (Revised April 2002.)
- September 1997 (Revised May 1998)
- Case
Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing of America: The Quest for a Model Workplace
By: Lynn S. Paine and Dale Coxe
This case details the sexual harassment case brought against Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing of America by nearly 300 female employees in April 1996. The recommendations developed for the company by former U.S. Labor Secretary Lynn Marten are presented. In response to... View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Moral Sensibility; Groups and Teams; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Behavior; Attitudes; Problems and Challenges; Working Conditions; Crime and Corruption; Auto Industry; United States
Paine, Lynn S., and Dale Coxe. "Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing of America: The Quest for a Model Workplace." Harvard Business School Case 398-028, September 1997. (Revised May 1998.)
- August 1997 (Revised December 1997)
- Case
Harassment at Work?
By: Lynn S. Paine and Dale Coxe
Presents three scenarios involving behavior that could arguably be called sexual harassment. The first scenario is set in a medical supply company in an unnamed emerging market region. The second is set in a New York-based securities firm. The third is set in a U.S.... View Details
Keywords: Working Conditions; Organizational Culture; Problems and Challenges; Ethics; Moral Sensibility; Groups and Teams; Crime and Corruption; Attitudes; Behavior; Labor and Management Relations; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Financial Services Industry; New York (city, NY); United States
Paine, Lynn S., and Dale Coxe. "Harassment at Work?" Harvard Business School Case 398-001, August 1997. (Revised December 1997.)
- August 1992 (Revised December 1994)
- Case
Sexual Harassment, Free Speech or ...?
By: Lynn S. Paine
Presents two brief vignettes about female employees who object to gender discrimination in their work environment. In one case, the manager of a convenience store removes "adult" magazines from the store's shelves because she sees them as damaging to women. In the... View Details
Keywords: Moral Sensibility; Working Conditions; Law; Behavior; Managerial Roles; Crime and Corruption; Groups and Teams; Organizational Culture; Problems and Challenges; Gender
Paine, Lynn S. "Sexual Harassment, Free Speech or ...?" Harvard Business School Case 393-033, August 1992. (Revised December 1994.)