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- Faculty Publications (44)
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- December 5, 2024
- Article
A Consensus Definition of Creativity in Surgery: A Delphi Study Protocol
By: Alex Thabane, Tyler McKechnie, Phillip Staibano, Vikram Arora, Goran Calic, Jason W. Busse, Sameer Parpia and Mohit Bhandari
Clear definitions are essential in science, particularly in the study of abstract phenomena like creativity. Due to its inherent complexity and domain-specific nature, the study of creativity has been complicated, as evidenced by the various... View Details
Clear definitions are essential in science, particularly in the study of abstract phenomena like creativity. Due to its inherent complexity and domain-specific nature, the study of creativity has been complicated, as evidenced by the various... View Details
Thabane, Alex, Tyler McKechnie, Phillip Staibano, Vikram Arora, Goran Calic, Jason W. Busse, Sameer Parpia, and Mohit Bhandari. "A Consensus Definition of Creativity in Surgery: A Delphi Study Protocol." PLoS ONE 19, no. 12 (December 5, 2024).
- 2024
- Working Paper
The New Digital Divide
By: Mayana Pereira, Shane Greenstein, Raffaella Sadun, Prasanna Tambe, Lucia Ronchi Darre, Tammy Glazer, Allen Kim, Rahul Dodhia and Juan Lavista Ferres
We build and analyze new metrics of digital usage that leverage telemetry data collected by Microsoft during operating system updates across forty million Windows devices in U.S. households. These measures of US household digital usage are much more comprehensive than... View Details
Keywords: Mathematical Methods; Measurement and Metrics; Geographic Location; Behavior; Technology Adoption; Demographics
Pereira, Mayana, Shane Greenstein, Raffaella Sadun, Prasanna Tambe, Lucia Ronchi Darre, Tammy Glazer, Allen Kim, Rahul Dodhia, and Juan Lavista Ferres. "The New Digital Divide." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 32932, September 2024.
- 2024
- Working Paper
Greenlighting Innovative Projects: How Evaluation Format Shapes the Perceived Feasibility of Novel Ideas
By: Jacqueline N. Lane, Tianxi Cai, Michael Menietti, Griffin Weber and Eva C. Guinan
Evaluation of novel projects is essential for scientific and technological advancement. However,
evaluator bias toward a project’s potential can obscure its limitations. This study investigates
evaluation formats by contrasting combined assessments of novelty and... View Details
Lane, Jacqueline N., Tianxi Cai, Michael Menietti, Griffin Weber, and Eva C. Guinan. "Greenlighting Innovative Projects: How Evaluation Format Shapes the Perceived Feasibility of Novel Ideas." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-064, March 2024.
- 2024
- Working Paper
The Fading Light of Democratic Capitalism: How Pervasive Cronyism and Restricted Suffrage Are Destroying Democratic Capitalism as a National Ideal…and What to Do about It
What are we to do about declining public trust and confidence in democratic capitalism, which many citizens consider a cornerstone of our national ideology and identity? While the answer is not entirely clear, I argue in this essay that any effort aimed at restoring... View Details
Salter, Malcolm S. "The Fading Light of Democratic Capitalism: How Pervasive Cronyism and Restricted Suffrage Are Destroying Democratic Capitalism as a National Ideal…and What to Do about It." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-062, March 2024.
- March 2024
- Article
Being Together in Place as a Catalyst for Scientific Advance
By: Eamon Duede, Misha Teplitskiy, Karim R. Lakhani and James Evans
The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated social distancing at every level of society, including universities and research institutes, raising essential questions concerning the continuing importance of physical proximity for scientific and scholarly advance. Using customized... View Details
Duede, Eamon, Misha Teplitskiy, Karim R. Lakhani, and James Evans. "Being Together in Place as a Catalyst for Scientific Advance." Art. 104911. Research Policy 53, no. 2 (March 2024).
- 2023
- Working Paper
Teams in the Digital Workplace: Technology's Role for Communication, Collaboration, and Performance
By: Jacqueline N. Lane, Paul Leonardi, Noshir Contractor and Leslie DeChurch
This paper addresses the need for theoretical advancements in understanding team processes and the impact of technology on teams. Specifically, it examines the use of digital collaboration technologies by organizational teams and their effect on team communication and... View Details
Keywords: Affordances; Groups and Teams; Communication Technology; Social Media; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Perception
Lane, Jacqueline N., Paul Leonardi, Noshir Contractor, and Leslie DeChurch. "Teams in the Digital Workplace: Technology's Role for Communication, Collaboration, and Performance." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-079, June 2023. (Accepted by Small Group Research. Revised July 2023.)
- December 2022
- Article
The Emotional Rewards of Prosocial Spending Are Robust and Replicable in Large Samples
By: Lara B. Aknin, Elizabeth W. Dunn and Ashley V. Whillans
Past studies show that spending money on other people—prosocial spending—increases a person’s happiness. However, foundational research on this topic was conducted prior to psychology’s credibility revolution (or “replication crisis”), so it is essential to ask... View Details
Aknin, Lara B., Elizabeth W. Dunn, and Ashley V. Whillans. "The Emotional Rewards of Prosocial Spending Are Robust and Replicable in Large Samples." Current Directions in Psychological Science 31, no. 6 (December 2022): 536–545.
- 2023
- Article
Green Bargains: Leveraging Public Investment to Advance Climate Regulation
By: Jonas Meckling and Jesse Strecker
Climate policy has entered a new era as public investment is increasingly moving to center stage, including recovery spending and long-term climate investment plans. While essential for decarbonization, public investment is not enough – the carrots of investment need... View Details
Keywords: Government and Politics; Environmental Regulation; Climate Change; Policy; Motivation and Incentives
Meckling, Jonas, and Jesse Strecker. "Green Bargains: Leveraging Public Investment to Advance Climate Regulation." Climate Policy 23, no. 4 (2023): 418–429.
- June 2022
- Case
Mossadeq’s Gambit: The US, UK, and Iranian Oil Nationalization
By: Jeremy Friedman and Jingyu Liu
Many of the West’s political problems in the Middle East and in Iran in particular can be traced to the overthrow of Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh by military forces supported by the American CIA and the British MI6 in August 1953. Mossadegh, at the head of a... View Details
Keywords: Neo-imperialism; History; Conflict Management; War; Globalized Economies and Regions; Natural Resources; National Security; Government and Politics; Globalized Markets and Industries; Middle East; Iran
Friedman, Jeremy, and Jingyu Liu. "Mossadeq’s Gambit: The US, UK, and Iranian Oil Nationalization." Harvard Business School Case 722-065, June 2022.
- June 2022 (Revised August 2023)
- Case
Strategic Innovation at the United Nations: A Network of Ecosystems
By: Frank Nagle, Elizabeth J. Altman and Amy Klopfenstein
In 2021, Gina Lucarelli, leader of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Accelerator Labs, prepared for a meeting with UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner. The two planned to discuss the future of the Accelerator Labs, a network of social innovation labs located... View Details
Keywords: Change; Disruption; Transformation; Change Management; Education; Learning; Environmental Management; Climate Change; Environmental Sustainability; Geography; Geographic Scope; Global Range; Local Range; Geopolitical Units; Country; Human Resources; Recruitment; Retention; Selection and Staffing; Employees; Employee Relationship Management; Information Technology; Information Management; Innovation and Invention; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Disruptive Innovation; Innovation and Management; Innovation Leadership; Innovation Strategy; Knowledge; Knowledge Acquisition; Knowledge Dissemination; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Organizations; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure; Organizational Design; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Social Enterprise; Non-Governmental Organizations; Social Psychology; Social and Collaborative Networks; Society; Social Issues; Welfare; Strategy; Cooperation; Adaptation; Public Administration Industry; North and Central America
Nagle, Frank, Elizabeth J. Altman, and Amy Klopfenstein. "Strategic Innovation at the United Nations: A Network of Ecosystems." Harvard Business School Case 722-363, June 2022. (Revised August 2023.)
- 2022
- Other Teaching and Training Material
Organizational Behavior Reading: Managing Differences
By: Robin Ely and Colleen Ammerman
This reading provides principles and practices managers can draw upon to leverage differences in social identities - such as gender and race - to create more effective work relationships, teams, and organizations. The Essential Reading's first section draws upon... View Details
Keywords: Diversity; Groups and Teams; Prejudice and Bias; Identity; Management Practices and Processes
Ely, Robin, and Colleen Ammerman. "Organizational Behavior Reading: Managing Differences." Core Curriculum Readings Series. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Publishing 8394, 2022.
- December 2021
- Case
Whistleblowing at Veolia: A Technology Solution
By: Aiyesha Dey, Jonas Heese, Christian Godwin and James Weber
In 2019, Bruno Masson, the vice chairman of Veolia’s Ethics Committee, was preparing for a meeting on a rollout plan for a new whistleblowing system to more countries. Veolia, a global supplier of water, waste, and energy services, had recently gone through several... View Details
Keywords: Whistleblowing; Corporate Misconduct; Corporate Governance; Ethics; Crime and Corruption; Values and Beliefs; Trust; Employee Relationship Management; Utilities Industry
Dey, Aiyesha, Jonas Heese, Christian Godwin, and James Weber. "Whistleblowing at Veolia: A Technology Solution." Harvard Business School Case 122-050, December 2021.
- October 18, 2021
- Article
How to Reframe What Work Means to You
By: Hubert Joly
Our society often conceives of work as something we must endure so we can afford to do something else. The former CEO of Best Buy explains why this view has led to a crisis of engagement among leaders and employees alike, and offers a different model that he introduced... View Details
Joly, Hubert. "How to Reframe What Work Means to You." Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (October 18, 2021).
- Article
Don't Let Power Corrupt You
By: Julie Battilana and Tiziana Casciaro
Although power is essential to taking charge and driving change, it makes leaders vulnerable to two traps that can not only erode their own effectiveness but also undermine their teams. Hubris—the excessive pride and self-confidence that can come with power—causes... View Details
Keywords: Humility; Empathy; Hubris; Leadership; Power and Influence; Moral Sensibility; Performance Effectiveness
Battilana, Julie, and Tiziana Casciaro. "Don't Let Power Corrupt You." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 5 (September–October 2021): 94–101.
- 2021
- Article
Reflections: Voice and Silence in Workplace Conversations
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Tijs Besieux
We highlight conversations at work as an arena of change. Drawing on and extending the psychological safety literature, we offer a new framework to distinguish between productive and unproductive forms of both voice and silence. The framework’s four... View Details
Keywords: Conversation; Silence; Voice; Psychological Safety; Interpersonal Communication; Quality; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Edmondson, Amy C., and Tijs Besieux. "Reflections: Voice and Silence in Workplace Conversations." Journal of Change Management 21, no. 3 (2021): 269–286.
- 2021
- Book
The Emergence of Charismatic Business Leadership
In The Emergence of Charismatic Business Leadership is an examination of how the role of the business leader in the U.S. has changed from World War II to the present. A small number of high-profile individuals have transformed the face of modern-day leadership,... View Details
Keywords: Charisma; Leadership; Management Skills; Leadership Style; Personal Characteristics; Success
Tedlow, Richard S. The Emergence of Charismatic Business Leadership. New York: RosettaBooks, 2021.
- August 2021
- Article
The Undervalued Power of Self-relevant Research: The Case of Researching Retirement While Retiring
By: Teresa M. Amabile and Douglas T. (Tim) Hall
For decades, training in management research has emphasized objectivity, typically viewed as an arm’s length distance between the topic of the research and the interests of the researcher. This emphasis has led most scholars to avoid research topics of deep personal... View Details
Keywords: Qualitative Research Methods; Case Research Methods; Organizational Behavior; Careers; Career Changes And Transitions; Self-relevant Research; Research; Personal Development and Career; Transition; Identity; Retirement
Amabile, Teresa M., and Douglas T. (Tim) Hall. "The Undervalued Power of Self-relevant Research: The Case of Researching Retirement While Retiring." Academy of Management Perspectives 35, no. 3 (August 2021): 347–366.
- March 29, 2021
- Editorial
Research: A Little Recognition Can Provide a Big Morale Boost
By: Shibeal O'Flaherty, Michael Sanders and A.V. Whillans
As organizations large and small face the twin challenges of increasingly strained budgets and burned out workforces, what can managers do to keep employees engaged—without breaking the bank? In this piece, the authors share new research on the power of symbolic awards... View Details
O'Flaherty, Shibeal, Michael Sanders, and A.V. Whillans. "Research: A Little Recognition Can Provide a Big Morale Boost." Harvard Business Review (website) (March 29, 2021).
- August 2020 (Revised December 2020)
- Background Note
A Note on Ethical Analysis
By: Nien-hê Hsieh
To engage in ethical analysis is to answer such questions as “What is the right thing to do?” “What does it mean to be a good person?” “How should I live my life?” Ethical analysis, on its own, is often not adequate for doing the right thing or being a good... View Details
Hsieh, Nien-hê. "A Note on Ethical Analysis." Harvard Business School Background Note 321-038, August 2020. (Revised December 2020.)
- 2020
- Chapter
Emotions and Emotion Regulation
By: Svenja A. Wolf, Amit Goldenberg and Mickaël Campo
This is the first textbook to explore and explain the contribution of social groups and social identity to all aspects of sports and exercise—from leadership, motivation and communication to mental health, teamwork, and fan behaviour.
In the context of increasing... View Details
Wolf, Svenja A., Amit Goldenberg, and Mickaël Campo. "Emotions and Emotion Regulation." In The New Psychology of Sport & Exercise: The Social Identity Approach, edited by S. Alexander Haslam, Katrien Fransen, and Filip Boen, 147–164. London: SAGE Publications, 2020.