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- Faculty Publications (246)
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- August 2024
- Background Note
Brief Note on the U.S. Presidential Electoral Process (2024)
By: Robert F. White
A note describing the history and mechanics of the United States' presidential election system, the electoral college. View Details
- June, 2024
- Book Review
Debunking Immigration Myths: A Review Essay of 'Streets of Gold: America’s Untold Story of Immigrant Success' (PublicAffairs, 2022) by Ran Abramitzky and Leah Boustan
By: Marco Tabellini
This essay reviews Streets of Gold: America’s Untold Story of Immigrant Success by Ran Abramitzky and Leah Boustan. This elegantly written book, highly accessible to both economists and non-economists, is a must-read for anyone interested in the topic of... View Details
Tabellini, Marco. "Debunking Immigration Myths: A Review Essay of 'Streets of Gold: America’s Untold Story of Immigrant Success' (PublicAffairs, 2022) by Ran Abramitzky and Leah Boustan." Journal of Economic Literature 62, no. 2 (June, 2024): 739–760.
- June 2024
- Article
Oral History and Business History in Emerging Markets
By: Geoffrey Jones
This article describes the motivation, structure and use of the Creating Emerging Markets (CEM) oral history-based project at the Harvard Business School. The project consists of lengthy interviews with business leaders from emerging markets. By June 2024 183... View Details
Jones, Geoffrey. "Oral History and Business History in Emerging Markets." Investigaciones de historia económica 20, no. 2 (June 2024): 1–4.
- March 2024 (Revised March 2024)
- Case
Doing Business in Buenos Aires, Argentina
By: Joseph B. Fuller, Alan D. MacCormack, Nori Gerardo Lietz, Leonard A. Schlesinger, Karina Souza and Zeke Gillman
This case examines the challenges and opportunities of doing business in Argentina. It highlights Argentina's economic and political transformation in the decades leading up to 2024. The case gives an overview of some of the main obstacles faced by businesses operating... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Business and Government Relations; Corporate Strategy; Transformation; Economy; Air Transportation; Air Transportation Industry; Transportation Industry; Argentina; Latin America; Buenos Aires
Fuller, Joseph B., Alan D. MacCormack, Nori Gerardo Lietz, Leonard A. Schlesinger, Karina Souza, and Zeke Gillman. "Doing Business in Buenos Aires, Argentina." Harvard Business School Case 324-108, March 2024. (Revised March 2024.)
- March 2024 (Revised February 2025)
- Case
Doing Business in São Paulo, Brazil
The case gives readers an overview of key factors of doing business in Brazil, including Brazil’s economic transformation since its colonial years until 2023, when leftist President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was sworn in for his third term, after the most polarized... View Details
Keywords: Business Cycles; Developing Countries and Economies; Economic Growth; Economic Sectors; Economy; Macroeconomics; Business History; International Relations; Political Elections; Taxation; Consumer Behavior; Brazil; Latin America; Sao Paulo
Alfaro, Laura, Hise O. Gibson, Leonard A. Schlesinger, and Pedro Levindo. "Doing Business in São Paulo, Brazil." Harvard Business School Case 324-079, March 2024. (Revised February 2025.)
- 2024
- Chapter
The U.S. Secession Crisis as a Breakdown of Democracy
By: Dean Grodzins and David Moss
This chapter examines the U.S. secession crisis of 1860–1861 as a case of democratic breakdown. From December 1860 to early June 1861, eleven of the fifteen slaveholding states in the U.S. South declared secession from the Union. The trigger for the crisis was Abraham... View Details
Grodzins, Dean, and David Moss. "The U.S. Secession Crisis as a Breakdown of Democracy." Chap. 3 in When Democracy Breaks: Studies in Democratic Erosion and Collapse, from Ancient Athens to the Present Day, edited by Archon Fung, David Moss, and Odd Arne Westad, 43–107. Oxford University Press, 2024.
- 2024
- Book
When Democracy Breaks: Studies in Democratic Erosion and Collapse, from Ancient Athens to the Present Day
By: Archon Fung, David Moss and Odd Arne Westad
Democracy is often described in two opposite ways, as either wonderfully resilient or dangerously fragile. Curiously, both characterizations can be correct, depending on the context. When Democracy Breaks aims to deepen our understanding of what separates democratic... View Details
Fung, Archon, David Moss, and Odd Arne Westad, eds. When Democracy Breaks: Studies in Democratic Erosion and Collapse, from Ancient Athens to the Present Day. Oxford University Press, 2024.
- 2024
- Working Paper
Private Regulation, Institutional Entrepreneurship and Climate Change: A Business History Perspective
By: Ann-Kristin Bergquist and Geoffrey Jones
Private regulatory systems, including voluntary efforts by firms to restrain their own behavior are the primary form of global climate change governance. However, when environmental challenges first rose up on the scientific and political agendas during the 1970s, the... View Details
Keywords: Certification; Climate Change; Environmental Regulation; Business History; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy
Bergquist, Ann-Kristin, and Geoffrey Jones. "Private Regulation, Institutional Entrepreneurship and Climate Change: A Business History Perspective." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-041, January 2024.
- 2023
- Working Paper
The Effect of Childhood Environment on Political Behavior: Evidence from Young U.S. Movers, 1992–2021
By: Jacob R. Brown, Enrico Cantoni, Sahil Chinoy, Martin Koenen and Vincent Pons
We ask how childhood environment shapes political behavior. We measure young voters’ participation and party affiliation in nationally comprehensive voter files and reconstruct their childhood location histories based on their parents’ addresses. We compare outcomes of... View Details
Brown, Jacob R., Enrico Cantoni, Sahil Chinoy, Martin Koenen, and Vincent Pons. "The Effect of Childhood Environment on Political Behavior: Evidence from Young U.S. Movers, 1992–2021." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 31759, October 2023.
- August 2023 (Revised October 2023)
- Case
Beyond the Barricades: Chile 2023
Chile, often considered among Latin America's greatest economic success stories, suffered a shocking wave of protests in October 2019, as its citizens demanded reforms across healthcare and education systems, and protested inequality and rising costs of living. As... View Details
Keywords: Government Administration; Developing Countries and Economies; Economic Growth; Social Issues; Wealth and Poverty; Public Opinion; Equality and Inequality; Public Administration Industry; Chile; Latin America; South America
Spar, Debora, Willis Emmons, Leonard A. Schlesinger, and Ruth Costas. "Beyond the Barricades: Chile 2023." Harvard Business School Case 324-005, August 2023. (Revised October 2023.)
- 2023
- Book
Suharto's Cold War: Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and the World
By: Mattias Fibiger
After the murder of senior generals in the Indonesian army by elements of the country's communist party in 1965, General Suharto orchestrated the mass killing of some half a million leftists and fellow travelers. But his ambitions spanned far beyond perpetrating a... View Details
Keywords: Indonesia; Cold War; Political Economy; Foreign Aid; International Investment; International Relations; International Finance; History; War; Economic Systems; Government and Politics; Indonesia; Southeast Asia
Fibiger, Mattias. Suharto's Cold War: Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and the World. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023.
- February 2023 (Revised February 2024)
- Case
Doing Business in Bangkok, Thailand
By: Leonard A. Schlesinger and Billy Chan
Known as the “land of smiles” and the “Detroit of the East,” Thailand, with its geographical location at the heart of Asia, has attracted visitors and businesses from all over the world. This case serves as a guide that provides an overview of the history, political... View Details
- February 2023 (Revised February 2024)
- Case
Doing Business in Helsinki, Finland
By: Martin A. Sinozich, Lena Duchene, Tonia Labruyere and Daniela Beyersdorfer
This case examines the challenges and opportunities of doing business in Finland. It highlights Finland's economic transformation in the decades leading up to 2024 in the context of its history, culture, and politics. The case gives an overview of some of the main... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Business and Government Relations; Corporate Strategy; Research and Development; Foreign Direct Investment; Crisis Management; Culture; Environmental Sustainability; International Relations; Food and Beverage Industry; Finland; Europe
Sinozich, Martin A., Lena Duchene, Tonia Labruyere, and Daniela Beyersdorfer. "Doing Business in Helsinki, Finland." Harvard Business School Case 323-079, February 2023. (Revised February 2024.)
- February 2023 (Revised June 2023)
- Case
Doing Business in São Paulo, Brazil
By: Hise O. Gibson, Leonard A. Schlesinger, Ruth Costas and Pedro Levindo
The case uses the example of a large investment made by French retail group Carrefour in Brazil to discuss the opportunities and challenges of doing business in the country. It gives readers an overview of Brazil’s economic transformation since its colonial years until... View Details
Keywords: Business Cycles; Development Economics; Developing Countries and Economies; Economic Growth; Economic Sectors; Economy; Macroeconomics; Business History; Brazil; Latin America
Gibson, Hise O., Leonard A. Schlesinger, Ruth Costas, and Pedro Levindo. "Doing Business in São Paulo, Brazil." Harvard Business School Case 323-084, February 2023. (Revised June 2023.)
- January 2023 (Revised April 2024)
- Case
First to Fight? Culture, Tradition, and the United States Marine Corps (USMC)
By: Ranjay Gulati, Akhil Iyer and Joel Malkin
Over a history of more than 240 years, the United States Marine Corps has forged a distinct culture and institutional identity centered on its “warrior ethos.” In the wars of American history, Marines fought with uncommon valor, rising to international prominence for... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Transformation; Talent and Talent Management; Government Administration; Management Practices and Processes; Management Systems; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Performance Effectiveness; United States
Gulati, Ranjay, Akhil Iyer, and Joel Malkin. "First to Fight? Culture, Tradition, and the United States Marine Corps (USMC)." Harvard Business School Case 423-051, January 2023. (Revised April 2024.)
- January 2023
- Article
Racial Diversity and Racial Policy Preferences: The Great Migration and Civil Rights
By: Alvaro Calderon, Vasiliki Fouka and Marco Tabellini
Between 1940 and 1970, more than 4 million African Americans moved from the South to the North of the United States, during the Second Great Migration. This same period witnessed the struggle and eventual success of the civil rights movement in ending institutionalized... View Details
Keywords: Civil Rights; Great Migration; History; Race; Rights; Prejudice and Bias; Government Legislation
Calderon, Alvaro, Vasiliki Fouka, and Marco Tabellini. "Racial Diversity and Racial Policy Preferences: The Great Migration and Civil Rights." Review of Economic Studies 90, no. 1 (January 2023): 165–200. (Available also from VOX, Broadstreet, and VOX EU.)
- 2022
- Chapter
Buying Time? The Vietnam War and Southeast Asia
By: Mattias Fibiger
This article examines the “buying time thesis”—the idea that the American war in Vietnam bought time for the rest of Southeast Asia to build up political, economic, military, and diplomatic defenses against communism. It finds that there is some truth to claims that... View Details
Keywords: Vietnam War; Impact; Legacy; Geopolitics; War; History; Government and Politics; Southeast Asia
Fibiger, Mattias. "Buying Time? The Vietnam War and Southeast Asia." In The Vietnam War in the Pacific World, edited by Brian Cuddy and Fredrik Logevall, 231–256. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2022.
- 2022
- Chapter
The Origins of the Developmental State: The European Experience
Book Abstract: There has been a major revival of interest in State Capitalism: what it is, where it is found, and why it is seemingly becoming more ubiquitous. As a concept, it has evolved from radical critiques of the Soviet Union, to being deployed by neo-liberals to... View Details
Keywords: State Capitalism; History; Macroeconomics; Developing Countries and Economies; Economic Systems; Europe
Reinert, Sophus A. "The Origins of the Developmental State: The European Experience." Chap. 3 in The Oxford Handbook of State Capitalism and the Firm, edited by Mike Wright, Geoffrey T. Wood, Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Pei Sun, Ilya Okhmatovskiy, and Anna Grosman, 53–77. Oxford University Press, 2022.
- 2024
- Working Paper
The Impact of the Chinese Exclusion Act on the Economic Development of the Western U.S.
By: Joe Long, Carlo Medici, Nancy Qian and Marco Tabellini
This paper investigates the economic consequences of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, which banned immigration from China. The Act reduced the number of Chinese workers of all skill levels living in the United States. It also reduced the labor supply and the quality of... View Details
Keywords: Growth; Productivity; Economic Development; Business History; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Business and Government Relations; Prejudice and Bias; Government Legislation; Immigration; United States
Long, Joe, Carlo Medici, Nancy Qian, and Marco Tabellini. "The Impact of the Chinese Exclusion Act on the Economic Development of the Western U.S." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-008, August 2022. (Revised September 2024. Featured in Bloomberg, at Hoover Institute, VoxEU, NBER Digest, NPR, Forbes, The New Yorker, HBS Working Knowledge, and Cato Institute, quoted here.)
- 2022
- Book
Making Meritocracy: Lessons from China and India, from Antiquity to the Present
By: Tarun Khanna and Michael Szonyi
How do societies identify and promote merit? Enabling all people to fulfill their potential, and ensuring the selection of competent and capable leaders are central challenges for any society. These are not new concerns. Scholars, educators, and political and economic... View Details
Keywords: Merit; Meritocracy; Society; Government and Politics; History; Power and Influence; Leadership; Competency and Skills; China; India
Khanna, Tarun, and Michael Szonyi, eds. Making Meritocracy: Lessons from China and India, from Antiquity to the Present. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2022.