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- Faculty Publications (3)
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- March 2015 (Revised May 2015)
- Case
Turkey and the Southern Corridor
By: Rawi Abdelal, Esel Çekin and Cigdem Çelik
In December 2014, Russia cancelled the South Stream pipeline that was envisaged to deliver natural gas through the Black Sea basin on to Europe and replaced it with a new pipeline through Turkey. The Turkish Stream was a great opportunity for Turkey to turn itself into... View Details
Keywords: Business & Government Relations; Energy; Energy Security; Energy Corridor; Hub; Turkey; European Union; Eurasia; Politics; International Relations; Trade; Energy Sources; Business and Government Relations; Energy Industry; European Union; Turkey; Russia
Abdelal, Rawi, Esel Çekin, and Cigdem Çelik. "Turkey and the Southern Corridor." Harvard Business School Case 715-042, March 2015. (Revised May 2015.)
- October 2014 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
Europe, Russia, and the Age of Gas Revolution
By: Rawi Abdelal, Leonardo Maugeri and Sogomon Tarontsi
The 2014 Ukraine crisis once again exposed the mutually limiting knot—a web of commercial relationships and oil and gas pipelines—that historically tied the European Union and Russia closely. In this crisis, a familiar conundrum preoccupied minds in the corridors of... View Details
Keywords: International Relations; Business and Government Relations; Energy Sources; Energy Industry; European Union; Russia; Ukraine
Abdelal, Rawi, Leonardo Maugeri, and Sogomon Tarontsi. "Europe, Russia, and the Age of Gas Revolution." Harvard Business School Case 715-006, October 2014. (Revised February 2017.)
- November 2010 (Revised February 2013)
- Supplement
Energy Security in Europe (B): The Southern Corridor
By: Rawi E. Abdelal and Sogomon Tarontsi
Nabucco natural gas pipeline, initiated by a group of European energy companies, was intended to connect the broad gas-rich region of the Middle East and Central Asia to Europe for the first time, which would diversify supply sources. At the same time, an... View Details
Keywords: Non-Renewable Energy; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Distribution; Business and Government Relations; Conflict and Resolution; Energy Industry; Russia; European Union
Abdelal, Rawi E., and Sogomon Tarontsi. "Energy Security in Europe (B): The Southern Corridor." Harvard Business School Supplement 711-033, November 2010. (Revised February 2013.)