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- Faculty Publications (47)
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- May 2024 (Revised June 2024)
- Case
Together for Sustainability
This case documents the origin and development of Together for Sustainability (TfS), a chemical industry initiative dedicated to raising sustainability standards throughout the industry’s supply chains. In 2011, six Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) from some of the... View Details
Keywords: Environmental Sustainability; Standards; Supply Chain Management; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Partners and Partnerships; Nonprofit Organizations; Corporate Accountability; Chemical Industry
Gulati, Ranjay, David Shin, and Emily Tedards. "Together for Sustainability." Harvard Business School Case 424-062, May 2024. (Revised June 2024.)
- January 2024 (Revised February 2024)
- Exercise
Travelogo: Understanding Customer Journeys
By: Eva Ascarza, Nicolas Padilla and Oded Netzer
In late May 2023, Sarah Merino, the newly appointed manager of the Customer Insights group at Travelogo—an online travel booking platform—initiates a comprehensive analysis of clickstream data to understand the varied behaviors and needs of their users. In preparation... View Details
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management; Analysis; Analytics and Data Science; Marketing Strategy; Segmentation; Consumer Behavior; Travel Industry; United States
Ascarza, Eva, Nicolas Padilla, and Oded Netzer. "Travelogo: Understanding Customer Journeys." Harvard Business School Exercise 524-044, January 2024. (Revised February 2024.)
- 2025
- Working Paper
Better Keep the Twenty Dollars: Incentivizing Innovation in Open Source
By: Annamaria Conti, Vansh Gupta, Jorge Guzman and Maria P. Roche
Open source is key to innovation yet is assumed to be done largely through intrinsic motivation. How can we incentivize it? In this paper, we examine the impact of a program providing monetary incentives to motivate innovators to contribute to open source. The Sponsors... View Details
Keywords: Open Source; Innovation; Incentives; Financial Rewards; Crowding Out; Open Source Distribution; Innovation and Invention; Motivation and Incentives; Technology Industry
Conti, Annamaria, Vansh Gupta, Jorge Guzman, and Maria P. Roche. "Better Keep the Twenty Dollars: Incentivizing Innovation in Open Source." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-014, September 2023. (Revised January 2025. NBER Working Paper Series, No. 31668, September 2023)
- December 2022
- Article
Entry Points: Gaining Momentum in Early-Stage Cross-Boundary Collaborations
By: Eva Flavia Martínez Orbegozo, Jorrit de Jong, Hannah Riley Bowles, Amy Edmondson, Anahide Nahhal and Lisa Cox
To address complex social challenges, it is widely recognized that leaders from public, for-profit, and civic organizations should join forces. Yet, well-intended collaborators often struggle to achieve alignment and fail to gain traction in their joint efforts. This... View Details
Orbegozo, Eva Flavia Martínez, Jorrit de Jong, Hannah Riley Bowles, Amy Edmondson, Anahide Nahhal, and Lisa Cox. "Entry Points: Gaining Momentum in Early-Stage Cross-Boundary Collaborations." Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 58, no. 4 (December 2022): 595–645.
- 2022
- Working Paper
The Limits of Decentralized Administrative Data Collection: Experimental Evidence from Colombia
By: Natalia Garbiras-Diaz and Tara Slough
States collect vast amounts of data for use in policymaking and public administration. To
do so, central governments frequently solicit data from decentralized bureaucrats. Because
central governments use these data in policymaking, decentralized bureaucrats may face... View Details
Keywords: Decentralization; Policy-making; Policy/economics; Policy Evaluation; Governance; Government Administration; Government and Politics; Government Legislation; Policy; Public Opinion; Analytics and Data Science; Latin America; South America; Colombia
Garbiras-Diaz, Natalia, and Tara Slough. "The Limits of Decentralized Administrative Data Collection: Experimental Evidence from Colombia." Working Paper, December 2022.
- September 24, 2021
- Article
A Labor Movement for the Platform Economy
By: Li Jin, Scott Duke Kominers and Lila Shroff
Platforms are fundamentally changing the contract between workers and companies—and the workers and creatives that create value for platform companies, and rely on platforms for their livelihoods, often have little power when it comes to getting their concerns... View Details
Keywords: Gig Workers; Decentralized Collective Action; Internet and the Web; Labor; Labor and Management Relations; Digital Platforms
Jin, Li, Scott Duke Kominers, and Lila Shroff. "A Labor Movement for the Platform Economy." Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (September 24, 2021).
- Summer 2021
- Article
Platform Leadership and Supply Chains: Intel, Centrino, and the Restructuring of Wi-Fi Supply
By: Roberto Fontana and Shane Greenstein
In this paper we examine Intel’s launch of Centrino and interpret it as platform leaders attempt to restructure a supply chain. We provide a narrative of key actions and how they coordinated changes and offer a framework of the predictable consequences for... View Details
Fontana, Roberto, and Shane Greenstein. "Platform Leadership and Supply Chains: Intel, Centrino, and the Restructuring of Wi-Fi Supply." Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 30, no. 2 (Summer 2021): 259–286.
- January 2021
- Article
How Personality and Policy Predict Pandemic Behavior: Understanding Sheltering-in-Place in 55 Countries at the Onset of COVID-19
By: Friedrich M. Götz, Andrés Gvirtz, Adam D. Galinsky and Jon M. Jachimowicz
The spread of COVID-19 within any given country or community at the onset of the pandemic depended in part on the sheltering-in-place rate of its citizens. The pandemic led us to revisit one of psychology’s most fundamental and most basic questions in a high-stakes... View Details
Keywords: COVID; COVID-19; Pandemic; Shelter-in-place; Personality; Government; Interactionism; Health Pandemics; Behavior; Personal Characteristics; Policy; Governance Compliance
Götz, Friedrich M., Andrés Gvirtz, Adam D. Galinsky, and Jon M. Jachimowicz. "How Personality and Policy Predict Pandemic Behavior: Understanding Sheltering-in-Place in 55 Countries at the Onset of COVID-19." American Psychologist 76, no. 1 (January 2021): 39–49.
- Article
Reflections: Toward a Normative and Actionable Theory of Planned Organizational Change and Development
By: Michael Beer
A normative and actionable theory of planned organizational change and development is proposed based on fifty years of engagement by the author as a scholar-consultant. Five principles are central features of the theory and practice proposed: 1) Organizations are... View Details
Keywords: Consultant; Process; Systems; Silence; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Leadership; Learning; Management Teams
Beer, Michael. "Reflections: Toward a Normative and Actionable Theory of Planned Organizational Change and Development." Journal of Change Management 21, no. 1 (2021).
- October 2020 (Revised November 2020)
- Case
Digging for Gold: Paulson & Co.'s Activism in the Gold Sector
By: Suraj Srinivasan and Jonah S. Goldberg
The case describes the efforts of hedge fund Paulson & Co to influence corporate governance and improve performance in the gold industry. In an innovative move, the hedge fund led the creation of the Shareholder Gold Council, a consortium of large investors in gold... View Details
Keywords: Board Of Directors; Hedge Funds; Shareholder Activism; Gold; Corporate Governance; Governing and Advisory Boards; Investment Funds; Investment Activism; Performance Improvement; Corporate Accountability; Mining Industry; Canada; United States
Srinivasan, Suraj, and Jonah S. Goldberg. "Digging for Gold: Paulson & Co.'s Activism in the Gold Sector." Harvard Business School Case 121-021, October 2020. (Revised November 2020.)
- March 2020
- Article
Voluntary, Self-Regulatory, and Mandatory Disclosure of Oil and Gas Company Payments to Foreign Governments
By: Paul M. Healy and George Serafeim
Concerns about high rates of government corruption in resource-rich countries have led transparency advocates to urge oil and gas firms to disclose payments to host governments for natural resources. Transparency, they argue, can increase government accountability and... View Details
Keywords: Oil & Gas; Corruption; Transparency; Self-regulation; Industry Self-regulation; Regulation; Disclosure; Disclosure Regulation; Energy Sources; Crime and Corruption; Corporate Disclosure; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Energy Industry
Healy, Paul M., and George Serafeim. "Voluntary, Self-Regulatory, and Mandatory Disclosure of Oil and Gas Company Payments to Foreign Governments." Accounting Horizons 34, no. 1 (March 2020): 111–129.
- Article
The IT Transformation Health Care Needs
By: Nikhil R. Sahni, Robert S. Huckman, Anuraag Chigurupati and David M. Cutler
In recent years, health care organizations have made sizable investments in information technology. They’ve used their IT systems to replace paper records with electronic ones and to improve billing processes, thereby boosting revenue. But so far, IT has been of little... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Information Technology; Performance Improvement; Business Model
Sahni, Nikhil R., Robert S. Huckman, Anuraag Chigurupati, and David M. Cutler. "The IT Transformation Health Care Needs." Harvard Business Review 95, no. 6 (November–December 2017): 128–136.
- 2019
- Chapter
Product Market Strategy
By: Anoop Menon and Dennis Yao
Product market strategy is the collection of choices, actions and activities of a firm that determines how it positions itself in its product markets, and allows it to achieve and maintain a COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE. This article examines product market strategy from the... View Details
Menon, Anoop, and Dennis Yao. "Product Market Strategy." In The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. Continuously updated edition, edited by Mie Augier and David J. Teece. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Electronic. (Pre-published, October 2013.)
- Spring 2015
- Article
Sovereign Debt Restructuring: Evaluating the Impact of the Argentina Ruling
By: Laura Alfaro
Recent rulings in the ongoing litigation over the pari passu clause in Argentinian sovereign debt instruments have generated considerable controversy. Some official-sector participants and academic articles have suggested that the rulings will disrupt or impede... View Details
Alfaro, Laura. "Sovereign Debt Restructuring: Evaluating the Impact of the Argentina Ruling." Harvard Business Law Review 5, no. 1 (Spring 2015): 47–71.
- January 2015 (Revised August 2015)
- Background Note
Climate Change: An Unfolding Story
By: Joseph B. Lassiter III, Sid Misra and Stephanie Puzio
In some parts of the world, the impacts of climate change will prove to be relatively manageable, particularly for the rich. In some parts of the world, these will not, particularly for the poor. The only certainty is that humanity's collective actions will force every... View Details
Keywords: Global Warming; Carbon; Carbon Cycle; CO2; GHG; Greenhouse Gas; IPCC; International Panel On Climate Change; Climate Change
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, Sid Misra, and Stephanie Puzio. "Climate Change: An Unfolding Story." Harvard Business School Background Note 815-079, January 2015. (Revised August 2015.)
- 2014
- Other Article
Communicating Change: When Identity Becomes a Source of Vulnerability for Institutional Challengers
By: Ryann Elizabeth Manning, Julie Battilana and Lakshmi Ramarajan
Social movements challenge institutions through two related communication processes: articulating collective action frames and constructing collective movement identity. We argue that frames not only express movement identity, but also provide openings through which... View Details
Keywords: Identity Threat; Institutional Change; Social Movements; Framing; Social Issues; Identity; Organizational Culture; Change
Manning, Ryann Elizabeth, Julie Battilana, and Lakshmi Ramarajan. "Communicating Change: When Identity Becomes a Source of Vulnerability for Institutional Challengers." Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings (2014): 453–458.
- October 2013 (Revised April 2016)
- Case
StriveTogether: Reinventing the Local Education Ecosystem
By: Allen Grossman, Ann Lombard and Noah Fisher
StriveTogether aimed to improve education outcomes by coordinating the actions of diverse community stakeholders—nonprofit service providers, school districts, government, parents, businesses and others. StriveTogether had an intense focus on collective impact—"the... View Details
Keywords: Education Reform; Not For Profit; Communities; Collaboration; Collective Impact; Nonprofit Organizations; Education; Business and Community Relations; Education Industry; United States
Grossman, Allen, Ann Lombard, and Noah Fisher. "StriveTogether: Reinventing the Local Education Ecosystem." Harvard Business School Case 314-031, October 2013. (Revised April 2016.) (available here.)
- 2014
- Working Paper
Sharing Design Rights: A Commons Approach for Developing Infrastructure
By: Nuno Gil and Carliss Y. Baldwin
This study empirically investigates the relationship between design structure and organization structure in the context of new infrastructure development projects. Our research setting is a capital program to develop new school buildings in the city of Manchester, UK.... View Details
Gil, Nuno, and Carliss Y. Baldwin. "Sharing Design Rights: A Commons Approach for Developing Infrastructure." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 14-025, September 2013. (Revised January 2014.)
- November 2012
- Article
The Organization of Firms Across Countries
By: Nicholas Bloom, Raffaella Sadun and John Van Reenen
We argue that social capital as proxied by trust increases aggregate productivity by affecting the organization of firms. To do this we collect new data on the decentralization of investment, hiring, production, and sales decisions from Corporate Headquarters to local... View Details
Keywords: Decentralization; Social Capital; Theory Of The Firm; Firm Objectives, Organization, And Behavior; Business Economics; Management Of Technological Innovation And R&D; Technological Change: Choices And Consequences; Diffusion Processes; Organizational Structure; Performance Productivity; Trust; Technology Adoption; Multinational Firms and Management
Bloom, Nicholas, Raffaella Sadun, and John Van Reenen. "The Organization of Firms Across Countries." Quarterly Journal of Economics 127, no. 4 (November 2012). (Slides from 2008, Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-005, August 2011.)
- August 2012 (Revised May 2013)
- Case
Milwaukee (A): Making of a World Water Hub
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Matthew Bird
Starting in 2007 Milwaukee leaders from different areas (large established companies, civic organizations, public sector, academia, and entrepreneurs) negotiated a path for converting the region into a global water hub to address economic and environmental concerns.... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Growth Management; Business or Company Management; Leading Change; Wisconsin
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, and Matthew Bird. "Milwaukee (A): Making of a World Water Hub." Harvard Business School Case 313-057, August 2012. (Revised May 2013.)