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- Faculty Publications (37)
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- Faculty Publications (37)
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- June 2023
- Teaching Note
Komatsu and Smart Construction
By: David J. Collis
Teaching Note for HBS Case No. 521-042. The case describes the introduction by Komatsu, the Japanese earth moving equipment manufacturer, of a new business model—Smart Construction. This replaces the one-time sale of a capital good with a software platform that... View Details
- September 2021
- Article
Perceptions on Undertaking Regular Asymptomatic Self-testing for COVID-19 Using Lateral Flow Tests: A Qualitative Study of University Students and Staff
By: Marta Wanat, Mary Logan, Jennifer A. Hirst, Charles Vicary, Joseph J. Lee, Rafael Perera, Irene Tracey, Gordon Duff, Peter Tufano, Thomas Fanshawe, Lazaro Mwandigha, Brian D. Nicholson, Sarah Tonkin-Crine and Richard Hobbs
Objectives: Successful implementation of asymptomatic testing programmes using lateral flow tests (LFTs) depends on several factors, including feasibility, acceptability and how people act on test results. We aimed to examine experiences of university students... View Details
Wanat, Marta, Mary Logan, Jennifer A. Hirst, Charles Vicary, Joseph J. Lee, Rafael Perera, Irene Tracey, Gordon Duff, Peter Tufano, Thomas Fanshawe, Lazaro Mwandigha, Brian D. Nicholson, Sarah Tonkin-Crine, and Richard Hobbs. "Perceptions on Undertaking Regular Asymptomatic Self-testing for COVID-19 Using Lateral Flow Tests: A Qualitative Study of University Students and Staff." BMJ Open 11, no. 9 (September 2021).
- 2021
- Working Paper
Public Disclosure of Private Meetings: Does Observing Peers' Information Acquisition Affect Analysts' Attention Allocation?
By: Yi Ru, Ronghuo Zheng and Yuan Zou
We investigate the impact of observing peers’ information acquisition on financial analysts’ attention allocation. Using the timely disclosure mandate by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange as a setting, we find that, when analysts can observe that a firm is visited by other... View Details
Keywords: Attention Allocation; Informational Efficiency; Corporate Site Visits; Externalities; Information; Acquisition; Corporate Disclosure; Outcome or Result
Ru, Yi, Ronghuo Zheng, and Yuan Zou. "Public Disclosure of Private Meetings: Does Observing Peers' Information Acquisition Affect Analysts' Attention Allocation?" Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 22-064, July 2021.
- Article
Corporate Misconduct and Manager Visits
By: Jonas Heese and Gerardo Pérez Cavazos
Heese, Jonas, and Gerardo Pérez Cavazos. "Corporate Misconduct and Manager Visits." Strategic Finance 102, no. 12 (June 2021): 19–20.
- November 2020
- Article
When the Boss Comes to Town: The Effects of Headquarters' Visits on Facility-Level Misconduct
By: Jonas Heese and Gerardo Pérez Cavazos
We study the effects of headquarters’ visits on facility-level misconduct. We use the staggered introduction of airline routes to identify exogenous travel-time reductions between headquarters and facilities and test whether such reductions affect facility-level... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Misconduct; Visits By Management; Flight Routes; Control Systems; Compliance Programs; Performance Pressure; Business or Company Management; Management Systems; Governance Controls; Governance Compliance; Performance Expectations
Heese, Jonas, and Gerardo Pérez Cavazos. "When the Boss Comes to Town: The Effects of Headquarters' Visits on Facility-Level Misconduct." Accounting Review 95, no. 6 (November 2020): 235–261.
- September 2019 (Revised February 2022)
- Case
Glenn Defense Marine Asia (A)
By: Susanna Gallani, Anja Anliker, Luke Hodges and Amram Migdal
This case describes the growth of Glenn Defense Marine Asia (GDMA) under the leadership of Leonard Glenn Francis. GDMA provided ship husbanding and logistical support services to the United States Navy when Navy ships visited various ports in Southeast Asia. The case... View Details
Keywords: Business Ventures; Business Growth and Maturation; Crime and Corruption; Ethics; Fairness; Moral Sensibility; Values and Beliefs; Governance; Corporate Accountability; Governance Controls; Government and Politics; Law; Contracts; Lawfulness; Operations; Shipping Industry; Service Industry; Asia; Southeast Asia; Malaysia; Singapore
Gallani, Susanna, Anja Anliker, Luke Hodges, and Amram Migdal. "Glenn Defense Marine Asia (A)." Harvard Business School Case 120-036, September 2019. (Revised February 2022.)
- September 2019 (Revised February 2022)
- Supplement
Glenn Defense Marine Asia (B)
By: Susanna Gallani, Anja Anliker, Luke Hodges and Amram Migdal
This case describes the growth of Glenn Defense Marine Asia (GDMA) under the leadership of Leonard Glenn Francis. GDMA provided ship husbanding and logistical support services to the United States Navy when Navy ships visited various ports in Southeast Asia. The case... View Details
Keywords: Business Ventures; Business Growth and Maturation; Crime and Corruption; Ethics; Fairness; Moral Sensibility; Values and Beliefs; Governance; Corporate Accountability; Governance Controls; Government and Politics; Law; Contracts; Lawfulness; Operations; Shipping Industry; Service Industry; Asia; Southeast Asia; Malaysia; Singapore
Gallani, Susanna, Anja Anliker, Luke Hodges, and Amram Migdal. "Glenn Defense Marine Asia (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 120-037, September 2019. (Revised February 2022.)
- June 2018
- Supplement
Knowledge Sharing at REMA 1000 (B)
By: Tatiana Sandino and Olivia Hull
Supplement to HBS No. 118-007, "Knowledge Sharing at REMA 1000 (A)." Chief Human Resources Officer Tore Høylie was proud of REMA 1000 (REMA)’s strong employee engagement with Workplace, Facebook’s corporate social media platform; however, some users complained that the... View Details
Keywords: Social Network; Enterprise Social Media; Facebook; Workplace; Social and Collaborative Networks; Communication Technology; Problems and Challenges; Social Media; Retail Industry; Norway
Sandino, Tatiana, and Olivia Hull. "Knowledge Sharing at REMA 1000 (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 118-072, June 2018.
- December 2017
- Supplement
CEO Succession at Cisco: Video Supplement
By: Boris Groysberg and J. Yo-Jud Cheng
Excerpts of videotaped class visits and an interview with former Cisco CEO John Chambers about Cisco’s CEO succession planning process. Topics include Chambers’ reflections on the process; the roles of the incumbent CEO, board of directors, executive search, and the... View Details
Keywords: CEO Succession; CEO Turnover; Top Management Teams; Board Of Directors; Organizational Change; Strategic Human Resource Management; Strategy; High Technology; Management Succession; Managerial Roles; Corporate Governance; Organizational Culture; Change
Groysberg, Boris, and J. Yo-Jud Cheng. "CEO Succession at Cisco: Video Supplement." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 418-705, December 2017.
- September 2016
- Article
Enhancing the Practical Relevance of Research
This article seeks to encourage scholars to conduct research that is more relevant to the decisions faced by managers and policymakers and addresses why research relevance matters, what relevance means in terms of a journal article, and how scholars can increase the... View Details
Keywords: Research Questions; Relevance; Rigor; Practice-based Research; Research; Communication; Media; Education Industry
Toffel, Michael W. "Enhancing the Practical Relevance of Research." Production and Operations Management 25, no. 9 (September 2016): 1493–1505. (Sparked a Working Knowledge article about research relevance.)
- August 2016
- Teaching Note
Mahindra Lifespace Developers' Venture into Affordable Housing
By: Joseph B. Fuller and Monica Baraldi
Mahindra Lifespace Developers Limited (MLDL) was the infrastructure and real estate arm of the Mahindra Group, an Indian conglomerate with revenues of $16.5 billion in 2014. Employing 400 experts in land acquisition, design, project management, sales and marketing, and... View Details
Keywords: Business Conglomerates; Business Startups; Development Economics; Developing Countries and Economies; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Social Entrepreneurship; Housing; Emerging Markets; Business and Government Relations; Human Needs; Social Issues; Urban Development; Real Estate Industry; India
- 2015
- Book
MOVE: Putting America's Infrastructure Back in the Lead
Americans are stuck. We live with travel delays on congested roads; shipping delays on clogged railways; and delays on repairs, project approvals, and funding due to gridlocked leadership. These delays affect us all, whether you are a daily commuter, a frequent flyer,... View Details
Keywords: United States; Railroad History; Airlines; Airline Industry; Air Transportation; Passenger Transportation; Cities; Urban Planning; Freighting; Change; Leadership; Public Policy; Change Leadership; Public Finance; Infrastructure; Policy; Technological Innovation; Change Management; Leading Change; Urban Development; Project Finance; Entrepreneurship; City; Transportation; Transportation Industry; Shipping Industry; Rail Industry; Air Transportation Industry; United States
Kanter, Rosabeth M. MOVE: Putting America's Infrastructure Back in the Lead. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2015.
- May 2014
- Case
Groupon, Inc.
By: Krishna G. Palepu, Blythe J. McGarvie and James Weber
Internet coupon site "Groupon" grew revenues rapidly and went public, but struggled to impress investors or operate profitably. Did it have a sustainable business model?
Groupon sold coupons called Groupons which purchasers used to acquire goods or services at... View Details
- 2013
- Working Paper
How Major League Baseball Clubs Have Commercialized Their Investment in Japanese Top Stars
By: Isao Okada and Stephen A. Greyser
When a Major League Baseball club signs a Japanese star player, it obviously tries to commercialize its investment in the player. The initial focus is on home attendance (ticket sales) and television audiences, plus merchandise sales. These elements are similar to... View Details
Okada, Isao, and Stephen A. Greyser. "How Major League Baseball Clubs Have Commercialized Their Investment in Japanese Top Stars." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 14-029, September 2013.
- January 2013
- Case
Andrew Ryan at VC Brakes
By: Frank V. Cespedes and Sunru Yong
An aftermarket brake component manufacturer, VC Brakes, is bought out by a global automotive parts corporation after the 2008 financial crisis. Unlike its previous parent company, the new owner attempts to change VC Brakes' autocratic management style and... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Culture; Quality Management; Crisis Management; Human Resource Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Quality; Change Management; Leading Change; Restructuring; Management Practices and Processes; Problems and Challenges; Auto Industry
Cespedes, Frank V., and Sunru Yong. "Andrew Ryan at VC Brakes." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-552, January 2013.
- October 8, 2012
- Column
Henkel's Culture Shift
By: Robert Simons
This case descriibes a CEO-led organizational transformation driven by stretch goals, performance measurement, and accountability. When Kasper Rorsted became CEO of Henkel, a Germany-based producer of personal care, laundry, and adhesives products, in 2008, he was... View Details
- March 2012 (Revised January 2013)
- Case
Boston Children's Hospital: Measuring Patient Costs
By: Robert S. Kaplan, Mary L. Witkowski and Jessica A. Hohman
The case describes two pilot projects on applying activity-based costing to measuring the cost of treating patients. It presents process maps and financial data relating to the processes used during (1) an office visit to a plastic surgeon for three different diagnoses... View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing; Costing; Hospitals; Activity Based Costing and Management; Mathematical Methods; Health Industry
Kaplan, Robert S., Mary L. Witkowski, and Jessica A. Hohman. "Boston Children's Hospital: Measuring Patient Costs." Harvard Business School Case 112-086, March 2012. (Revised January 2013.)
- February 2012
- Case
Henkel: Building a Winning Culture
By: Robert Simons and Natalie Kindred
This case illustrates a CEO-led organizational transformation driven by stretch goals, performance measurement, and accountability. When Kasper Rorsted became CEO of Henkel, a Germany-based producer of personal care, laundry, and adhesives products, in 2008, he was... View Details
Keywords: Performance Measurement; Performance Appraisals; Human Resource Management; Values; Organizational Transformations; Pay For Performance; Strategy Execution; Values and Beliefs; Work-Life Balance; Organizational Culture; Human Resources; Performance Evaluation; Compensation and Benefits
Simons, Robert, and Natalie Kindred. "Henkel: Building a Winning Culture." Harvard Business School Case 112-060, February 2012.
- December 2011 (Revised May 2014)
- Case
ReSource Pro
By: Lynda M. Applegate, William R. Kerr, Elisabeth Koll and David Lane
Matt Bruno, founder and general manager of ReSource Pro, left his job working for a New York City-based insurance program shortly after the World Trade Center bombing and arrived in China. Initially he planned to teach English, but soon the entrepreneurial spirit of... View Details
Keywords: Geographic Location; Talent and Talent Management; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Insurance Industry; Service Industry; China
Applegate, Lynda M., William R. Kerr, Elisabeth Koll, and David Lane. "ReSource Pro." Harvard Business School Case 812-031, December 2011. (Revised May 2014.)
- June 2011
- Case
Reed Supermarkets: A New Wave of Competitors
By: John A. Quelch and Carole Carlson
Reed Supermarkets is a high-end supermarket chain with operations in several Midwestern states. Meredith Collins, vice president of marketing, visits stores located in Columbus, Ohio, an important region with the largest market and the greatest impact on revenue... View Details
Keywords: Product Positioning; Marketing Strategy; Business Growth and Maturation; Competitive Strategy; Consumer Behavior; Brands and Branding; Retail Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Ohio
Quelch, John A., and Carole Carlson. "Reed Supermarkets: A New Wave of Competitors." Harvard Business School Brief Case 114-296, June 2011.