Best-Selling (MOST POPULAR) Cases:
1) Eaton: Portfolio Transformation & Cost of Capital (HBS #221-006)
> WACC theory & estimation, divisional vs corporate WACC, divestment
2) Generating Higher Value at IBM (HBS #215-058)
> Payout policy, LT earnings guidance, driving corp. change
3) Tempur Sealy International (HBS #717-501)
> Buyer vs. supplier bargaining power, dynamics, value capture
***A teaching note is now available from HBS Publishing
4) The a2 Milk Company (HBS #719-424)
> Compet. adv., mkt. attractiveness, judo strategy, disruption
5) Sandlands Vineyards (HBS #718-438)
> Assess mkt attractiveness & comp. advantage, sustainability
6) Supply Chain Finance at P&G—US/Brazil (HBS #216-039)
> Modern working capital mgmt, supply chains, banking, fin. strategy
7) Airbnb: Stakeholder Capitalism Faces a Critical Test (HBS #221-050)
> Shareholder vs stakeholder models; implementing a stakeholder model
8) Gillette: Cutting Prices to Gain Share (HBS #720-378)
> Price wars; Calculate price elasticities, positioning, vertical diff.
9) Valuing Snap After the IPO Quiet Period (A, HBS #218-095)
> Financial strategy, financing growth, DCF valuation, convertible debt
10) De Beers: Diamond Reselling Opportunity (HBS #717-430)
> Strategy execution, scope choices, durable vs consumable goods
11) Buffett's Bid for Media General (HBS #213-142)
> Valuing decline-terminal values, disruption, financial distress
New M&A Cases:
1) Competing Bids for Anadarko Petroleum (HBS #220-087)
> Review case: valuation, capital structure, M&A, corp. governance
> Bidding wars, valuing & financing acquisition offers
2) Canadian Pacific's Bid for NSC Corp.—Canada (HBS #216-057)
> Comprehensive case—bridging valuation gaps, agency conflicts
> DCF Valuation, contingent value rights, synergy value, activist investor
3) Bega Cheese: Bringing Vegemite Home—Australia (HBS #218-001)
> Linking strategy and finance, valuation roadmap & mechanics
> Value drivers, corporate scope, iconic brands
4) Buffett's Bid for Media General (HBS #213-142)
> Forecasting cash flows, terminal values, and TV growth rates
> Valuing decline, disruption, costs of financial distress
5) Dow's Bid for Rohm & Haas (HBS #211-020)
> Writing merger contracts, legal terms, risk allocation
> DCF valuation, Impact of the financial crisis, synergy value
6) TransDigm: Series on value creation/capture in roll-ups (HBS #720-422)
> TransDigm in 2017: 5 Forces (buyer-supplier power), value creation
> TransDigm-Arkwin: identifying, buying, and integrating acquisitions
> TransDigm-Aerosonic: valuing an acquisition target in multiple ways
7) Bayer: Bidding for Merck's OTC Division—Germany (HBS #217-021)
> Forecasting and valuing synergies in horizontal mergers
> Bidding strategy, negotiations, corporate strategy, DCF valuation
1) Pioneer Natural Resources--Variable Dividends (*New*):
> Capital allocation, payout policy, variable divs vs share repurchases
2) SpartanNash: The Amazon Warrants (A, HBS #222-022)
> Buyer-seller negotiations, bargaining power, valuing warrants
> Kornit Digital: The Amazon Warrants (C, HBS #222-045)
3) Generating Higher Value at IBM (HBS #215-058)
> Payout policy, LT earnings guidance, driving change, leadership
4) Supply Chain Finance at P&G—US/Brazil (HBS #216-039)
> Modern working capital mgmt, supply chains, banking, fin. Strategy
5) FANUC's Financial & Governance Policies—Japan (HBS #216-042)
> Japanese corporate governance and macroeconomic growth policies
6) Hapag-Lloyd: Complying w/IMO 2020—Germany (HBS #220-003)
> Environ. regulation, evaluating options & addressing uncertainty
7) Molycorp A: Financing Rare Earth Minerals (HBS #214-054)
> Financial strategy, financing growth, DCF valuation, convertible debt
1) Eaton: Portfolio Transformation and Cost of Capital (HBS #221-006)
> WACC theory & estimation, divisional vs corporate WACC, divestment
> Abridged version (no appendix w/WACC derivation, HBS #221-070)
> Note on WACC: Derivation, Intuition, & Applications (HBS #221-106)
2) Apax Partners -Trader Corp (*New*, HBS #225-032)
> Private equity, value creation levers, due diligence, risk management
3) Valuing Snap After the IPO Quiet Period (A, HBS #218-095)
> DCF valuation, analysts—affiliation bias, terminal value, IPO anomalies
4) Valuing Celgene's CVR (HBS #221-031)
> Incorporating sytematic & idiosyncratic risks in DCF valuation
> Using contingent value rights (CVR's) to bridge valuaation gaps
5) United Technologies: Are the Parts > the Whole? (HBS #220-018)
> Corporate strategy, conglomerate discount, and activist investors
> Sum-of-the-parts valuation, capital allocation & internal capital mkts
6) Compass Maritime Services (HBS #211-014)
> Valuation during the fin. crisis, regressions analysis, comparables
7) VHSS: Valuing Ships (Germany) (HBS #210-058)
> Compare mark-to-mkt (comparables) vs mark-to-model (DCF)
> Contagion during the fin. crisis; Fire sales, bubbles, & asset prices
1) The a2 Milk Company—Australia & NZ (HBS #719-424)
> Creating compet. advantage, Assessing market attractiveness
> Selling technology products vs. the underlying IP
> Judo strategy for mkt entry; Incumbent's barriers to response
2) Graphic Packaging: Project Cowboy (* New *, HBS #223-009)
> Competition in commodity businesses, assessing capacity expansion
> Analyzing industry supply curves--strategic positioning/advantage
3) Naked Wines: Profit vs. Growth (*NEW*, HBS #724-462)
> Building a platform business; assessing profit vs. growth; racing
4) SpartanNash: The Amazon Warrants (A, HBS #222-022)
> Buyer-seller negotiations, Unique deals, valuing warrants
> Buyer power; value creation or value extraction?
5) Sandlands Vineyards (HBS #718-438)
> Assessing market attractiveness & competitive advantage
> Sustainability of advantage, vertical integration, judo econ.
6) Bespoken Spirits: Disrupting Distilling (HBS #721-419)
> Disruption, product vs. tech. business models, cost/dual advantage
> Addressing uncertainty; using scenario analysis, entreprenuers
7) Gillette: Cutting Prices to Gain Share (HBS #720-378)
> Price wars; Calculating & using price elasticities of demand
> Product positioning; vertical differentiation, detering entry
8) Bed Bath & Beyond: The New Strategy (HBS #221-062)
> Creating & losing competitive adv.; Strategy formulation & execution
9) De Beers: Diamond Reselling Opportunity (HBS #717-430)
> Strategy execution, cust. value, corporate scope, secondary mkt
> Expanding from the "core" into adjacencies
10) De Beers: Lightbox for Lab-Grown Diamonds (#719-408)
> Strategy execution, disruption, commoditization, differentiation
11) Tempur Sealy International (HBS #717-501)
> Buyer vs. supplier bargaining power, dynamics, value capture
12) TransDigm in 2017 (HBS #720-422)
> Value creation vs capture, bargaining power, business ethics
> Creating and sustaining competitive advantage
Shareholder vs. Stakeholder Governance Models
1) Airbnb: Stakeholder Capitalism Faces a Test (HBS #221-050)
> Crisis mgmt-Pandemic, balancing stakeholder interests, platforms
2) Airbnb: Stakeholder Governance Lessons (B Case, HBS #222-003)
> Balancing interests across stakeholders & over time; actions taken
3) Yellow Corp.: On Verge of Bankruptcy (*New*, HBS #224-028)
> Stakeholders--Labor unions, employees, and shareholders
> Leverage, bankruptcy, and distress costs; corporate and fin. strategy
4) MTN: Unlocking Value & Driving Socioecon. Progress (HBS #722-371)
> Strategy formulation and execution; Value creation and distribution
5) Daniel Defense: After the Uvalde School Shooting (HBS #323-058)
> Legal, ethical, and moral responsibility for criminal misuse of products
> Gun ownership, rights, and control; corporate social responsibility
6) Danone: Becoming a Mission-Driven Company (A Case, HBS #722-354)
> Balancing people, purpose, and profit (dynamic 3-part case series)
> Corporate governance and France's new "Entreprise a Mission" status