Research Summary
Research Summary
The Value Profit Chain: Treat Employees Like Customers and Customers Like Employees
By: W. Earl Sasser
W. Earl Sasser, Jr., Leonard A. Schlesinger, and James L. Heskett complted a multi-firm study that provides further empirical verification of relationships established in their earlier examinations of 'breakthrough' service and the service profit chain. Towards that end, Heskett, Schlesinger and Sasser are continuing to work on a broadened framework [The Value Profit Chain] for modeling the economics of customer and employee loyalty. Their latest findings were published by The Free Press in 2003 in the book, The Value Profit Chain: Treat Employees Like Customers and Customers Like Employees. The three co-authors worked with Harvard Business School Interactive to create an action learning program designed to help change agents around the world successfully implement the Value Profit Chain concepts within their own organizations.