- April 1999
- HBS Case Collection
Note on the Caspian Oil Pipelines
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Mathew M Millett
The Caspian region may become one of the world's next major energy producers. Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan-all former Soviet republics--hold vast and largely undeveloped reserves of oil and gas, but the region's export infrastructure is nearly nonexistent. The Note provides background on Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan-the region's major oil producers-including economic and oil sector data. Also in A, it discusses major options to the surrounding region; B. Covering the advantages and weaknesses of each of the options.
Economics; Non-Renewable Energy; Investment; Government and Politics; Infrastructure; Outcome or Result; Projects; Natural Environment; Azerbaijan; Kazakhstan; Uzbekistan
Esty, Benjamin C., and Mathew M Millett. "Note on the Caspian Oil Pipelines." Harvard Business School Background Note 299-044, April 1999.