- February 1997 (Revised October 2002)
- HBS Case Collection
The Exxel Group: September 1995
By: Josh Lerner, Alex Hoye and Gonzalo Pacanins
The Exxel Group, a private equity group based in Buenos Aires, is considering a buyout of Argencard, Mastercard's exclusive licensee in Argentina. To complete the deal, however, it will need to raise additional financing from U.S. investors. Both the valuation and the terms of the proposed deal prove problematic.
Leveraged Buyouts; Developing Countries and Economies; Private Equity; Financing and Loans; Investment; Negotiation Deal; Problems and Challenges; Valuation; United States; Buenos Aires
Lerner, Josh, Alex Hoye, and Gonzalo Pacanins. "The Exxel Group: September 1995." Harvard Business School Case 297-068, February 1997. (Revised October 2002.)