- September 2024 (Revised October 2024)
- HBS Case Collection
River Remedy: Navigating Mississippi’s Medical Marijuana Market
By: Robin Greenwood, Richard S. Ruback and Robert Ialenti
MBA student William Chism, the founder of a fully integrated medical marijuana company based in Mississippi, must respond to a significant disruption in the fledgling industry. In late 2023, Rapid Analytics, one of two active licensed testing facilities, has its operational license suspended by the government, taking a large fraction of the state’s supply offline. Chism must decide how to handle his existing inventory, how to work with his customers, and how to navigate an extremely competitive environment.
Plant-Based Agribusiness; Business Growth and Maturation; Forecasting and Prediction; Microeconomics; Local Range; Government Legislation; Demand and Consumers; Supply and Industry; Competitive Strategy; Governance Controls; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Mississippi
Greenwood, Robin, Richard S. Ruback, and Robert Ialenti. "River Remedy: Navigating Mississippi’s Medical Marijuana Market." Harvard Business School Case 225-011, September 2024. (Revised October 2024.)